Mods, please delete

Oof, there is a lot to tackle here in this big block of nonsense, so let’s go over this one point at a time.

1 : No physical link cable
Maybe it’s because that kind of technology is outdated? Because it is cumbersome to carry around a cable in your pocket? Unless you are someone who always carries a bag of any kind with them, there would be no comfortable way to transport a cable like that. Not to mention, again, this kind of technology is outdated. Name one current console, official or homebrew, who uses this. Not to mention, sad as is, but the GS is not all that comon (at least not where i am, i might very well be the only owner of a GS where i live).
As for the other point : No. Nobody is encouraging anybody to do anything like that, offering an emulator that plays ROMs is not illegal, and downloading ROMs or not is entirely in the consumers responsibility. Not to mention : Super Smash Bros freezes on mupen64+, how to adjust controller map for Pokémon Stadium via SSH?
Mupen64 crashes, PLEASE HELP
Pot, meet kettle.

2 : No OOB web browser
Yeah, because typing in words into a searchbar, using a D-Pad is SO comfortable, that we desperately need it on GS. We don’t need a browser on every device, especially not one, that would be inconvenient for that to begin with. As @javelinface has mentioned before, if you wanna browse the web, how about you use a device that was designed with that in mind! Like your phone or PC! Simple as that.

3 : Corruption
I’m gonna assume, when talking about corruption, you mean the OS. Well guess what. This is a custom OS, and it’s pretty much still in it’s infancy. Of course there are gonna be problems like that. It’s why the creator and us in the community try and work together! To make it something functional, that we can all be proud for taking part in it’s development. Just look at all the different topics concerning software issues and how people communicate with one another. Do i really have to explain Consumer Feedback and Forums to you?

4 : Broken Charging Port
That one is entirely on you. This is why you treat technology delicately. And if you can’t do that, you should propably not own the device to begin with. Sure, everyone makes mistakes, but this is not something on the Devs part, this is you not treating your device properly. Not to mention, this is not something they can do much about. And frankly this sounds like some spoiled brat crying about wanting the sandbox all to themselves, but that’s just me. Though others might share this opinion.

5 : javelinface.
Okay, first of all I have to get this out of my system. @javelinface is, at least in my humble opinion, one of the highest valued members of this community, who has helped out many people before on here, including me, and we can all be thankful for them. This is why i see this point in particular as an insult to them, and i don’t want to go too deep into this point, as i may just end up throwing insults, and I can’t really comment on their custom OS, but I will say something here anyways : If you try to work with somebodys custom programm, you have to understand that you do so at your own risk. Unless the programm is some malicious software to begin with, the creator is not at fault for anything it might do to your system. If you want to use it, you should once again, as the consumer, give constructive feedback to the programs developer, so they can improve it. Trying to tear them a new one like this is not gonna help anybody, and will just turn them away from improving anything. And not to mention, this “point” has no right to be in a post that says “What CLOCKWORK needs to fix”, as @javelinface does not work for clockwork, I think that would be some fresh news for everybody. That being said, this entire point of yours is worthless and just a punch in the face of the javelin and reading it was physically painful. Especially considering how they went out of their way to try and help you to the best of their ability and you go out of your way to attack them like this? Shame on you.

6 : Retroarch’s full functions
… Are you serious? You want to stream from the GS? A device which’s main point is to be a portable emulator? Well you do you I guess, but honestly, why not use a device, that is more powerful and has better capability for this kind of activity? Like a PC?

6.1 : Netplay
Reread my point about programing in its infancy. This might get more focus as development continues, but who knows. smh.

Oof. In conclusion, this post felt like some angry spoiled pre-teen, shouting at McDonalds that the toy they want for their HappyMeal has been sold out and “Point” 5 is the equivalent of proceeding to shout at the first guy you see sitting at a table enjoying their food and slamming their table into their face.
I sincerely hope that you go out of your way to apologize to @javelinface, as helpful people like him are way underappreciated and people like you are the reason they will be put off from helping the community and after this stunt you pulled they deserve one.
As for my final words, this trainwreck was absolutely painful to read through and frankly you didn’t deserve any sort of response. I honestly hope this post of yours get’s deleted. If you want to contribute to the community, get your act together for f-cks sake. If not, then what the hell are you doing here? GTFO, nobody will miss a whiny little brat such as yourself. It is one thing to be frustrated, but it’s another thing as being a massive a-hole and the less people like this in the community, the better.
Good day, sir.