Debian on µConsole R-01


i’ve managed to successfully boot current Debian bootstraped from RVVM, somewhat based on knowledge from Updating the openSBI on R-01?

I let myself to create this post as a personal notebook for those who are seeking to redo my steps in order to ditch default Ubuntu installation and ultimately create Debian from scratch, including kernel.

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So, to begin, besides debootstrapping your own set of favourite apps you have to copy over some stuff from Ubuntu.

/etc/systemd/system/devterm-r01-dispfd-daemon.service and /usr/local/bin/r01-dispfd-daemon.elf
Don’t forget to chroot into your debian to issue systemctl enable /etc/systemd/system/devterm-r01-dispfd-daemon, without it you won’t see anything on LCD.

My line to debootstap was
debootstrap --components=main,contrib,non-free --include=debian-ports-archive-keyring,pciutils,autoconf,automake,autotools-dev,curl,python3,libmpc-dev,libmpfr-dev,libgmp-dev,gawk,build-essential,bison,flex,texinfo,gperf,libtool,patchutils,bc,zlib1g-dev,wpasupplicant,htop,net-tools,wireless-tools,ntpdate,openssh-client,openssh-server,sudo,e2fsprogs,git,man-db,lshw,dbus,wireless-regdb,libsensors5,lm-sensors,swig,libssl-dev,python3-distutils,python3-dev,alien,fakeroot,dkms,libblkid-dev,uuid-dev,libudev-dev,libaio-dev,libattr1-dev,libelf-dev,python3-setuptools,python3-cffi,python3-packaging,libffi-dev,libcurl4-openssl-dev,python3-ply,iotop,htop,psmisc,dbus-user-session,xorg,mc,vim,network-manager,screen,mpv unstable rootfs

If anyone is interested in µSD image i can prepare one and share it somewhere.

There’s some problem with… i really can’t tell, CPU? SBI?
The thing is that if Debian boots, apt-get update throws SIGILL, probably due to Zfencei instruction.
Once OpenSBI is being updated to one who traps these instructions, now apt-get update (/usr/lib/apt/methods/http to be precise) hungs infinitely at 99% cpu usage.

Which kernel you are using? from Debian or mainline or from some git repo?

i’ve booted CPi’s one - to change as few things at once as possible. But i’ll admit since my last post i haven’t really progressed, instead i’ve focused on understanding SBI’s role in this whole mess and accessing UART.

My original plan was to throw some garbage on UART when SBI stumble upon illegal instruction, but it came to be everything but simple ;d