How long does the battery last ?
Depends on usage, usually.
You can make it last an hour or 6.
How does the keyboard feel?
Is it hard like a tact switch or soft like a rubber cup, or else?
They are hard and don’t travel much. If they did, it would be much harder with bigger fingers. Not bad with thumbs, still takes a bit to get used to. The click is louder than I expected, wouldn’t want to work on it in bed with a spouse attempting to sleep. It is not at all like the DevTerm. Placement of keys is fine, still getting used to the L and R mice buttons. Track ball works really well. Don’t really have a use for the Game buttons on the upper right.
Also will be hyper dependant on the batteries you purchase and use as there is no standard mAh size for 18650 batteries.
Thanks for the info.
It seems that the uConsole keyboard module can be reprogrammed in Arduino STM32 development environment via URAT connector, so it may be possible to assign any key to the buttons that have not usable.
It would be great if they would sell a keyboard with a more “good feeling” keyboard module separately.
Good feel is one of those things that become a personal choice. I have a nice yet really small bluetooth keyboard that folds up. For any serious typing, I will just use that. I would like a lighter touch button and key placement are just fine (for me).
also an idea i had: an attachment that goes on top of the keyboard that has analog sticks, a dpad, buttons, etc to allow playing games (try running minecraft, stardew valley, or some older games emulated)