clockworks 's image is based on some BSP kernel from allwinner, smauel’s kernel version is 6.1
I sort of gave up attempting to use the R-01 in my uConsole. Switched to a CM4S which has its own problems, but it is close. Ran out of time attempting to get the cursor working. I would have just run the R-01 without the GUI, but this did stop me. I do have the normal CM4 adapter on order and a maxed out CM4 on order from DigiKey. The adapter will be here in just a few days, who knows how long it will take for the CM4.
Pardon me. Where is the kernel cmdline?
It depends. For official uConsole system images, you should be able to change it in “/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf”(maybe also “/boot/grub.cfg”). They all in your second partition.
i did the bashrc cursor for after login and the u-boot modification for the cursor being visible on the login prompt. it’s not “it” but it does make things functional.