A06 - 4 cores only by default, this seems normal

Hi everyone,

Just finished building my uConsole this weekend, over the moon with how it has all come together (finally). Maybe it’s old news, but I noticed in htop that there are only 4 cores running on the A06 version. This appears to be the same as the devterm out of the box config. Presumably it’s for power/thermal management, I was surprised but seems like it’s already been documented. On this basis I’d recommend the CM4 version for anyone who’s trying to decide, the RK3399 is a nice chip, but without 2 cores running (haven’t tried turning them on, but for sure it’s going to hit the battery life) there’s no reason not to go for the CM4 version. I might put in an order for the adapter plate soonish.

Link to the devterm thread.

Also the wifi on the A06 (and presumably the RISC-V too) does suck (until you hack it), but still otherwise, great job clockwork pi 10/10! :smiley:

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You’re missing the gearbox command structure. From the github: