My name is Armando and I have some experience with linux, but with Raspberry and Uconsole I’m a complete noob.
I’ve purchased and build my Uconsole, I’ve flashed the sdcard (three different cards and the two official opperating system from clockwork pi, but unfortunately I can’t make boot the Uconsole.
When I turn on the main button it first become green and then yellow as in the picture I attach. But no other sign of life. I send as well photos of my Uconsole. I think I’ve build properly, but at present it is a brick. No way to wake it up.
Any help will be very appreciated. Thank you.
reseat the panels ribbon cable and really push the adapter card and CM4 together you should hear a snap.
Thank you very much, Rex.
I think this will be the issue.
That was the issue. Solved.
Thank you again
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