RTL-SDR Extension Board with USB HUB and RTC

Only if there are still some samples left after the beta test.


Anxiously waiting for this to get into production.

ya… I was looking for the parts to add the internal usb 2.0 hub / RTL-SDR, but this project gets me thinking I will wait for an expansion board instead.

Did the beta test boards go out and how are they performing?

A few beta test boards will be sent out this Friday. The performance is the same as the RTL-SDR Blog dongle V3.


It goes a little further. Now GPS and LoRa are supported.


That is awesome!!! I will be waiting to get one of these vs. modifying my Uconsole. Thank you for this amazing project.

Great news! I cannot wait to see this come to fruition!

Is the LoRa radio connected with UART or SPI? The reason I ask is I’m interested in using it for Meshtastic and Meshtastic only supports SPI.

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We shared the same thoughts. The Lora module connect to the SPI1, and Uart for GPS. Using meshtastic on uConsole is the major reason that I added the LoRa module to the extension board. I ‘ve test the meshtasticd on uConsole and it worked great.


I’m curious to know how you did it. When I was looking at schematics it looked like the SPI GPIO was split between the minipcie connector and the flat-ribon connector.

I’m looking forward to this board as much as I did for the uConsole. Meshtastic will be a fun addon.

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I have not looked closely at the flat-ribbon connector yet, but the mini PCIe connector has the SPI1 fully exposed. For Meshtastic, all you need to do is change SPI0 to SPI1 in the config file.


I will send the beta test board in the next 2 days, kinda busy with other work last week.


This is getting more versatile by the day. Getting super excited for it to go into production.


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That’s what you are looking for.



How do I get on the waiting list?

Go and check this form https://forms.gle/zGPbZ1KvofY6k46d8.