Clockworkpi what is that!?

So I browse so on X btw and found this

then your look closely you can see that have the name picocalc.

So clockworkpi what is can I buy or the would it be released?


There are a few more pictures on the DIscord.

Also, the picture of the uConsole is showing (an official?) SDR expansion board.

the SDR board looks like this one?

Good catch! Yeah, that looks identical. The labelling pretty much confirms it. I wonder if ClockworkPi will just promote that one, or if they’re doing some kind of deal to mass produce more of them? I imagine there would be enough interest to consider that.

That antenna array seems to be something else. Maybe that also appeared on the forums somewhere, but I don’t remember seeing it.

@adcockm @NekoRouter Yeah, I made the RTL-SDR extension board and the antenna array mount (in picture 2 of the tweet). For more information about the antenna array mount, check the post I posted on the ClockworkPi subreddit.


Not sure if anyone from Clockwork will read this, but here goes…

Now that I have my uConsole, there are some things I’d like to see changed for a revision2.

Make the main board specific to Raspberry Pi cm4/cm5 to leverage so of it’s built in strengths.

On board gigabit ethernet is high on my list. I think there might be enough room for the rj45 down by the battery. Maybe it could fit straight down in the middle so you can still hold it in two hands without the cable getting in the way. Maybe an X jack type of folding jack would work and be smaller.

A built in serial port would be great, maybe another rj45 for this.

An on board RTC.

And SDR radio module might be really neat to replace the 4g radio, though some may need both.

Battery cover so we can change the batteries while we are onsite doing whatever it is that we do.

Some will probably say they want an nvme drive.

An optional web camera and microphone might be good, maybe in a housing that can be attached to the front near the wifi/4g antennae. Use the CSI connections on the Pi for this to help make it standard. Useful for troubleshooting equipment so you can take a photo or video or live video out on a call. yes, I’m turning this into an industrial device.

Some of these I’ll have to try and build, I have some RTC modules on hand that might fit, and I can probably manage to sneak a pi-cam in somewhere (eventually).

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I did not see that thread, thank you, signed up for more info.

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