Ssd conversion module

Hmm, interesting idea and link for the sandwich board approach. In theory it would be nice just to breakout the signals needed on such a board, and it would make the board design easier. But I wonder if there is enough space in the case to accommodate more thickness. It might be possible, and only then require a thin copper shim to make contact with the case instead of the squidgy pad.

If this is not possible, then the it probably needs a new CM4 adapter board designed, with the required signals taken to new connectors on the opposite end to the gold fingers.

The pcie lane on the cm4 module currently is doing nothing. Getting it out would mean taking the cm4 to cm3 carrier designs and adding an edge connector someplace that gave access to it. Would not be impossible, and the pi cm4 manual has a pretty good discussion on the requirements.

It is only one pcie 2.0 lane, so you will only see 5Gb/s.

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