Upgrading The 4G Cellular Card On Wi-Fi Unit


I’ve got the Wi-fi only CM-4 RPi uConsole however I noticed when building it the board for the cellular 4G option is present but unpopulated. Has anyone populated this with the correct components and got the 4G working? If so do you have a guide and/or a list of the components required as I’m keen to upgrade mine to use 4G as I don’t see this for sale on this website. I would also like to build it over buying it anyway cause I’m into that kind of thing.


Start here: uConsole/clockwork_UC_4G_Schematic.pdf at master · clockworkpi/uConsole · GitHub

Note that the document may not be definitive to assemble a 4G module from a blank board, but it’s a start.

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Sorry, I’m just now able to get back to this. Thank you for this information. I’ll read it over and see what’s what. I did try to find this information but obviously I wasn’t that great at looking for it haha.