4G modem not working

I cannot get my 4G modem working - I have been following every step in this guide How to use the 4G extension · clockworkpi/uConsole Wiki · GitHub but no success. Clockwork support suspected hw issues and I was provided with a new 4G modem but same issues as before. I have been trying out multiple images and are currently using the clockwork lite image. Everything else is working perfect, also the speakers.

I run this command:
uconsole-4g-cm4 enable

Then I run this command:
echo -en “AT+CUSBPIDSWITCH?\r\n” | sudo socat - /dev/ttyUSB2,crnl

But get no response at all.

When I run:
sudo mmcli -L
No modem is present.

I have not seen any light on the 4G modem turn green when I run the uconsole-4g-cm4 enable.

I have understood that the modem should show up as a USB device but when I run lsusb I cannot see any modem

Any help with further troubleshooting is highly appreciated.

To rule out any issues with batteries, I have also tested while on external power.

uconsole-4g-cm4 enable
wait 15s
sudo systemctl restart ModemManager
wait 10s
mmcli -L
see if you see it then… but… i am running firmware 9011…

but modem manager wont recognize a modem that wasnt on when the service is already running… it only manages the ones it sees when starting…

Just followed these steps but still no luck…

if you have a cm4… the uconsole images have that script pre-installed… when you type “uconsole-4g-cm4 enable” it should respond with “powering on 4g” if it does not respond… you have other problems besides the 4g modem…
i am using ; http://dl.clockworkpi.com/uConsole_CM4_v0.1b_xfce_64bit.img.7z and this works fine.

The official images are fine, I guess, if you’re not the kind to ask for more. And maybe invite your uConsole to being hacked.

This image uses an updated version and fixes bugs that are present in the official images. By this point, many experienced users in the forum discourage using the Clockwork images at all.

Thanks for the support - I’m currently using same image as you (and have been trying several others) but all give the same result. It does reply with Powering on 4G modem and that I should use mmcli -L to lview modem but no success.

I’m starting to suspect that there is some issue with the expansion port causing the 4G card not to operate at all. However, the speakers work fine so there is at least some connection.

If it powers on the 4g modem, and you wait 20s then restart mm service… and still see nothing, you most likely have an issue. since this is your second card… I would think maybe the issue is elsewhere… like the ext connector.

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Yes, that what I was starting to suspect as well. Is there any way to further troubleshoot that - like checking if there are any signal on the uart on the extension board?

Dippending on your comfort in testing electronics, you are in luck! the GitHub has a full schematic that you can use to troubleshoot voltage and resistance on all cpi provided boards. Beyond that, using metal probes on live circuits always has various dangers and pitfalls. If you are not fully confident in this, it is best to leave it to professionals.