Ability to use USB OTG as portable keyboard or password manager

I’m imagining connecting a USB cable from a uConsole to a computer to send keystrokes, either from the uConsole keyboard, or from a program sending them (e.g. password manager)

Under the USB 2.0 port interface:

The port is capable of being used as a true USB On-The-Go (OTG) port. While there is no official documentation, some users have had success making this work. The USB_OTG_ID pin is used to select between USB host and device that is typically wired to the ID pin of a Micro USB connector. To use this functionality it must be enabled in the OS. If using either as a fixed slave or fixed master, please tie the USB_OTG_ID pin to ground.

and pin 101 is USB_OTG_ID

Input (3.3V signal) USB OTG Pin. Internally pulled up. When grounded the CM4 becomes a
USB host but the correct OS driver also needs to be used

Anyone know if this is possible to use? I don’t currently have a uConsole, but this is one of the applications I’m thinking of.

I know with a Pi-Zero this can be done. A similar idea shown in this cyberdeck GitHub - ZitaoTech/Hackberry-Pi_Zero: A handheld Linux terminal using Raspberry pi Zero 2W as Core with 4" 720X720 TFT display where a switch on the side changes the keyboard from internal to external

no that won’t work on the uConsole. The uConsole only get USB from one port on the CM4 USB2 bus and the USB-C port is for power only.

The CM4 only has 1x USB 2.0 port which can function as a host or device. But is the issue that it is going into a hub on the mainboard? From the clockwork mainboard schematic I think I see gl850g = 4 port USB 2.0 hub

correct, the keyboard does have a micro usb port on it though so you could hack something together to use it if the rest of the device is off.