I’m imagining connecting a USB cable from a uConsole to a computer to send keystrokes, either from the uConsole keyboard, or from a program sending them (e.g. password manager)
Under the USB 2.0 port interface:
The port is capable of being used as a true USB On-The-Go (OTG) port. While there is no official documentation, some users have had success making this work. The USB_OTG_ID pin is used to select between USB host and device that is typically wired to the ID pin of a Micro USB connector. To use this functionality it must be enabled in the OS. If using either as a fixed slave or fixed master, please tie the USB_OTG_ID pin to ground.
and pin 101 is USB_OTG_ID
Input (3.3V signal) USB OTG Pin. Internally pulled up. When grounded the CM4 becomes a
USB host but the correct OS driver also needs to be used
Anyone know if this is possible to use? I don’t currently have a uConsole, but this is one of the applications I’m thinking of.
I know with a Pi-Zero this can be done. A similar idea shown in this cyberdeck GitHub - ZitaoTech/Hackberry-Pi_Zero: A handheld Linux terminal using Raspberry pi Zero 2W as Core with 4" 720X720 TFT display where a switch on the side changes the keyboard from internal to external