Bookworm 6.6.y for the uConsole and DevTerm

Recently swapped from the stock image to this one on my uConsole and I love all the improvements / convenience features. The only issue is I have been harried with some pretty significant performance reductions that I’m not sure how to address. On the stock image I was pulling at least 30+ FPS in FTL, Into the Breach, and Hammerwatch, but with this image I am getting single digit FPS in hammerwatch with extreme (5-10 minute) loading times on FTL and Breach. Glitchy audio all around.

I am running these using Box64 but nothing else, other than manually extracting them and manually designating the x64 executable targets (which is what I did on the stock OS as well).

I did an installation using the raspberry pi SD card imager without custom options (as instructed) and am using the same brand / type of SD card as the original image, except this one is 64GB instead of 32GB. I’m wondering if anyone else has tried this games with that configuration on this OS? I suspect there’s something that needs to be installed or configured that would have been in the stock image that isn’t present on a fresh install of bookworm for uConsole.

I still have an SD Card for each one, so if there is some tool that could be used to compare them side by side, I can look into what the differences are!

edit: from what I have read so far the extreme loading times on FTL are graphics driver related (possibly) but it seems like few people on the internet have had a similar issue.

Is it the same version of Box64 in bookworm as in bullseye?

I built it following instructions I found online

git clone
cd box64
mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DRPI4ARM64=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
make -j4
sudo make install
sudo systemctl restart systemd-binfmt

Which is how I built it on the factory kernel but TBH I do not 100% understand what all that is doing or how to answer your question. (what is bullseye?)

It’s the code name of the Debian version:
Debian 12 Bookworm
Debian 11 Bullseye

If you compiled it then it should be the same version. Not sure on what would be slowing it down, and I only run hardware native software so I don’t have any experience with Box64.

Any beginner instructions available for this? My uConsole using RPI package got messed up with a recent update and I was pointed here for a more up to date kernel/OS.

I downloaded ClockworkPi-CM4-Bookworm-6.6.41
Then ran this setup the sd card.

xz -d < ClockworkPi-CM4-Bookworm-6.6.41.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdd2 bs=4M status=progress

It seemed to run fine. But then after putting the card back in the uConsole and rebooting, I just get a black screen.

Missed a step somewhere?


I extracted the xz and then used Etcher on my Windows laptop, worked fine on first try.

You don’t need to extract you can use rpi imager without custom settings and just flash the sd card.

Or my personal preference is USBImager for flashing or backing up sd cards, it also handles compressed images directly.

True but I recently had some problems with an image for Steam Deck where Etcher just hung there forever trying to extract, since then I always extract to .img before.

I actually just now tried RPI Imager and … was about to say same thing, black screen but just now got something. Just took a long time… Guess I wasn’t being patient enough. Use to seeing dmsg output on boot but not getting it with this one. Never mind then… Thanks

It takes a bit on first boot. you wont see anything on these devices till after the kernel loads. The CM4 only displays the firmware output on HDMI.

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Here is a little configuration for wayfire for our small screens
To open a window (in this case the terminal) maximized add the following to ~/.config/wayfire.ini:

max_term = on created if app_id is "lxterminal" then maximize

more info Configuration · WayfireWM/wayfire Wiki · GitHub

you can also change the screen blanking timeout in seconds there:


@Rex any ideas about hardware accelerated video decoding? I searched around but couldn’t get it to work with Arch. Seems the old mmal framework is deprecated and we are supposed to use something from mesa (libvdpau_vc4), which isn’t enabled in arch builds

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here a gpu report and all the kernel flags. Have you tried enabling it or putting it in if not there.

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Hmm? Do you mean mesa-vdpau doesn’t do anything?

MMAL is deprecated and you can use kernel V4L2 APIs. You’ll need rpi-ffmpeg which has the necessary patches to make it efficient.

You can use mpv-build and change its ffmpeg source. That’s how I have hwdec work on my device.

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I’ve got to bounce between sd cards to compare but I finally installed this image (thanks for all the hard work, @Rex) and was wondering: is the sound driver any different? I know the internal speakers are bad but they sound much worse to my ears than with the stock vanilla image?

I’m not sure what the stock rasbian images used for the audio stack but it could be the difference between ALSA and Pipewire. The only thing I really did for the audio was update the audio-patch and added a shutdown script to disable the speakers on shutdown so the speakers don’t make that pop.

Honestly it could just be that I was actually testing everything and didn’t realize it was always that crummy and distorted. My only real gripe, and I think it’s just a Bookworm issue, is that the white variant of the pios line art wallpaper is no longer present and that was my go to :pensive:

is this the one you’re talking about?

Yes! I was going to swap SD cards back to move it to a USB and bring to the image, I tried to dl it from their site but couldn’t find