Bookworm 6.6.y for the uConsole and DevTerm

Thanks. now without custom settings, it’s all right.

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I have the image setup to autoexpand on first boot so if you apply custom setting it borks the file system

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Raspberry Pi updated a package name rpd-plym-splash and it updated the boot splash screen to stock with the date of the newest RPi build, to remediate this install clockworkpi-theme from the repo it will replace the boot splash with the ClockworkPi themed one.

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Update in the OP!


hmm… so to work around the issue of no hibernation/sleep I wanted to setup autostart of chromium [in fullscreen etc.]

honestly… I tried every single solution on the internet! It won’t work. In Biden’s voice: Come on, Linux!! :grinning:

this should do it, no? [because it doesn’t]

cat .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart                                   12:11
@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@/usr/bin/chromium-browser --start-fullscreen --start-maximized```

here’s my Netflix desktop entry, It starts up fullscreen but if there is another instance of chrome open then it’ll just join that window as a new tab not fullscreen

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=chromium-browser --start-fullscreen

Does this updated image address the issue where videos won’t play in VLC (in the stock CM4 image) due to lack of video acceleration? Probably my single biggest annoyance with my stock setup.

Yes, video acceleration works.

Hey mate just wanted to say that what you’ve done here is incredible! It is literally what all of us have needed, and I’m sure many of us were capable of doing but too LAZY to do :slight_smile: Is there somewhere we can donate for your time? Cheers, Julian.


Thank you I appreciate it! It’s not necessary but if you want to, you can check out my linktree and there’s a link in there to.

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Hi, Bookworm image looks really nice on uConsole. The only problem - for some reason I can’t connect to the hidden WiFi

Did you try and connect with the GUI or another way. try raspi-config sudo raspi-config and try to set it in there.

I was trying to connect manually by editing wpa_supplicant.conf.

I will try rasp-config now

Actually I was able to use GUI WiFi “advanced” menu, connected to hidden WiFi

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Has anyone tried to compile RetroArch for uConsole Bookworm?

Yes, It compiles and works fine you just have to source the 64bit core on your own. RetroArch on the desktop is not as performant as it is with the RetroPie image running in the framebuffer. If you have a extra sd card i’d run the RetroPie image.

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I just installed it via sudo apt install retroarch - I don’t need high performance cores, just C64, GameBoy and maybe ZX Spectrum

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I noticed that the charging speed of batteries seems to be faster than in the original OS image. Is this so?

Yes the default charging speeds for the default image was considerably slower, but you could change it. I just have it set higher by default in my images.


The speed is OK now.