Bookworm 6.6.y for the uConsole and DevTerm

UPDATE: CM5 Image Available!

Works on both the CM4 and CM5 you just need to edit the config.txt for the CM and panel you are using.
Audio does not work on the CM5 Raspberry Pi needs to finish the driver for it and it looks like they might not do it, so let them know you want pwm audio on the CM5 finished. Link Here, Let them know nicely
I had to change the timing on the panel to get it to work with the new RP1 chip in the CM5 but I did it to where it’s now compatible with both the CM4 and CM5
I had to rework the overlays so there are 2 different sections depending on what CM you have.
The DevTerm is not supported for the CM5, I no longer own a DevTerm so can’t test the panel. Plus the CM5 gets HOT, so I don’t think it would be a good candidate.

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Features: ClockworkPi-CM4-Bookworm-6.6.y

  • Desktop, Lite, and RetroPie images available.
  • Image built using Pi-Gen.
  • APT repo added for LTS kernel updates.
    • Bleeding edge repo available for the latest kernel 6.10.y. You need to add the bleeding repo.
  • Dark mode for all screens (first boot, login, desktop)
  • Sane charging defaults applied.
  • External WiFi antenna already set in config.txt.
  • A few clockworkpi images for wallpapers.
  • Activate 4g card by uconsole-4g enable and uconsole-4g disable
  • linux-headers included with kernel
  • Works with both DevTerm and uConsole.
  • Updated driver overlays - easier config.txt management.
    • Just follow the instructions at the bottom of the config.txt

Raspberry Pi Imager will cause image not to boot if you apply custom settings.

I have added a few working/testing images and kernels with the *.deb files to install in the mega folder if you want for different OSs.

Google Drive link for the main image if Mega doesn’t work for you.

Here’s my Github with the rpi-6.6.y branch if you’d like to compile yourself. All the ClockworkPi drivers are pre-marked to compile in bcm2711_defconfig.

Here’s my APT repo with kernels and hardware scripts for ClockworkPi devices


Is this image already has pre-disabled kernel update(as it was on 6.1)?

Yes it does and I’m going to work on a repository to apt update the kernel. I’ll set a build script up to do it once a month. I’ll post here when I get that completed. You’ll just have to add the repository when I’m done.


Solid work, thank you! installing the image)


have succeed to apply rotation for plasma login screen? as i can set rotation within desktop, but not when do first power on(

The login screen is the only screen I have no F’n clue whats going on. I can rotate the console, lightDM first boot, desktop. but I’ve been looking and looking but cant figure out how to do it. If you figure that out let me know.

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fixed it.

  1. add next line

xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate right

to the file


  1. Add next lines


to the file



after i got correct rotation right after boot. maybe it will help

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The last small issue is with the sound while play VCMI. Small glitches appears when on stock clockwork image everything is fine and audio is clear

disappeared when selected pulse-audio and rebooted in raspi-config

For Arch, usually this is enough:


does retropie works with wayland anyone?

I know retroarch and emulationstation does.

Thank you for this! The 6.6.30 kernel fixed the problems I had with hardware accelerated video decode.

It would be great to integrate your work in Armbian - only I have no clue how to get it in there.

It would also take care of the distribution - Mega is, well, not so Mega :wink:

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I downloaded the 6.6 kernel file from Mega. I thought the zips were going to be .deb files but they are just folders with a lot of subfiles. how is that supposed to be installed? I already have the previous image with the 6.1 kernel running own my console. and I would lie to update the kernel rather than redeploying a new OS on the system. is that possible to do with the files in that download?

Yes, the contents of the “out” folder needs to be dumped in the boot partition and the other folder gets dumped in the root partition.

cp -r out/* $bootfs/
cp -r lib/* $roofs/lib/

Something like that

Thanks I’ll make a backup of this SD card and then give that a shot.

Appears gpio isn’t working thus breaking the 4G extension script.

The brightness keys are easily fixed with brightnessctl as mentioned in one of the previous image threads.

The original patches used now deprecated commands. I had to rework the audio patch to work. I can take a look and see what’s going on but I don’t have a the 4g card or a uConsole. So I can’t test it.

What commands are you using for the gpio?

Here’s the script.