Here’s my Github with the rpi-6.6.y branch if you’d like to compile yourself. All the ClockworkPi drivers are pre-marked to compile in bcm2711_defconfig.
Here’s my APT repo with kernels and hardware scripts for ClockworkPi devices
Yes it does and I’m going to work on a repository to apt update the kernel. I’ll set a build script up to do it once a month. I’ll post here when I get that completed. You’ll just have to add the repository when I’m done.
The login screen is the only screen I have no F’n clue whats going on. I can rotate the console, lightDM first boot, desktop. but I’ve been looking and looking but cant figure out how to do it. If you figure that out let me know.
I downloaded the 6.6 kernel file from Mega. I thought the zips were going to be .deb files but they are just folders with a lot of subfiles. how is that supposed to be installed? I already have the previous image with the 6.1 kernel running own my console. and I would lie to update the kernel rather than redeploying a new OS on the system. is that possible to do with the files in that download?
The original patches used now deprecated commands. I had to rework the audio patch to work. I can take a look and see what’s going on but I don’t have a the 4g card or a uConsole. So I can’t test it.