Bookworm 6.6.y for the uConsole and DevTerm

Rex, congrats on being mentioned on ETA PRIME channel!


Thanks! Hopefully him calling out the pwm audio driver problem will get RPi to work on it quicker.


Just ordered another console cm4 no module I plan to drop CM5 inside . Do we need a percific CM5 module with WiFi and emmc or SD card etc.

You want one with wifi and without emmc unless you have a separate IO board to flash the emmc.


I think his video should be added to the top post as it quite instructional


My rpi 5 16GB got delivered yesterday. Still waiting on the cm 5 lite 16gb.

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Anyone else seeing any sort of power management issues when using a CM5? I’ve calibrated batteries just in case related, no change.

Behavior I see is when attempting to reboot ending up stuck at plymouth-poweroff.service.

I am waiting for an ubuntu image for cm5

Yes some times i get stuck on power off service , i havent check dmesg but it seem to happen only is i have some sort of process utulised by program X? Not completely terminated before shutdown . Other wise it does its thing normaly and boots up as suposed to

For me it’s consistent. Seems like something in the mix of CM5s, SD Card, power supplies, batteries, my particular uConsole and/or phases of the Moon isn’t quite lining up.


You made me choke with your “phase of the moon” hypotheses :joy::joy::joy: just so you know .

But jokes asside i am running the first releses of the cm5 (4gb emmc ) and so far its been pretty reliable i dont have so mutch problem except the reboot/shutdown sequance al be looking into it today try to force that bug to happen maybe it will give us a starting point (if rex hasent figured it out allready :sweat_smile:)

at least it doesn’t catch AM radio yet…

@Rex I have the CM5 8GB with 32GB eMMC. I flashed the pi and put it in the uConsole. It booted up and I went through the initial setup; Timezone, account, WiFi, skipped updates and then chose Reboot. The uConsole is not displaying anything on the screen. Have you seen this issue after the initial setup?

Yes that is normal, the CM5 is still experimental. I’ve put quite a bit of work into getting it working but it still has problems I need to work out.

I completely understand, and I really appreciate the effort you’ve put in! I’m sure it’s a time-consuming process. After posting here on the forum, I let it sit for a while, powered it off and on a few times, and eventually, the desktop appeared. With so many posts here, I wasn’t sure which ones applied to my setup—I’m running ClockworkPi-Bookworm-6.6.73.img.

If I run updates using sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, is there anything I should be cautious about that could break functionality? Thanks for your help and for taking the time to respond to my questions!

Thanks for great work @Rex, excited to start using CM5 on uConsole after ETA Prime video! So far I did swap CMs from CM4 to CM5 Lite 4GB and stuck on boot process. So flashing ClockworkPi-Bookworm-6.6.73 via windows image writer (did try also RPI image writer tool) and starting device makes following:

  • first boot I see screen blink and then nothing happening, chip on CM board keep been worm. attaching external display shows nothing.
  • forcing power off (detach cable or battaries) and booting again shows on external screen that sd card is not detected. Checking card on windows machine also shows it corrupted.

Any ideas how can I share kernel/system debug log?

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nothing will break with normal updates. if you run rpi-update it will install the stock raspberry pi kernel and break the install.

@mujichOk just flash with no custom setting, let boot in the uconsole the OS will inflate the FS and make SSH keys then reboot.

The screen still fails to start, if that happens wait a minute then just press the power button twice and the device will power down. Then try and boot again.

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helo everyone, hello @Rex . ive been using the CM4 uconsole as my main desktop for 2 months now. multimedia, web browsing, office work, writing, youtube etc, nothing out of the ordinary. running your bookworm variant. thank you. i gave up on my main pc 3 years ago in favour of a steam deck running as desktop hooked to peripherals and monitor, but it recently decided to pack up leave me. i just didnt feel like digging up my old desktop so i stuck with the uconsole.

ive posted here before asking for help with linux , being a linux newbie and all. but i lost that account. yeah coming from a lifetime of windows there simply is no comparison. well worth putting up with terminal commands and dependencies and borking up the os install once in a while in favour of no bloatware and no os spyware.

my question is: is there a way of adding an m.2 to the uconsole host board? not via usb, as 2.0 speeds would defeat the whole point. i think storage is the bottleneck atm. has anyone attempted a real storage upgrade so far?

ive seen those wifi antenna and usb ports mods, i think ill try them someday. but after i get a CM5 and a usb dac for it

edit: yeah ive researched a bit and it seems you guys scratched your heads about ssd and usb 2.0 speeds before. maybe uconsole 2 will have an m.2 slot. such a pitty, there is tons of space inside the case and the pcie does nothing

edit 2 lol: ppl recommend cm5 without emmc as it cant be flashed? im crying.

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I am using CM5 for 1 month and I am very happy with it but only issue I am facing that screen blank issue some time when I am booting the the device . I was wondering if some one please fix this issue. And please create a ubuntu image for CM5. Thanks