Bookworm 6.6.y for the uConsole and DevTerm

to flash cm4/cm5 with emmc you need a carrier board, you can’t do it via usb.
so people suggest it because SD card is simpler to handle.

there is also support for NVMe for full size PI5 via external module ( ) or devboard,

but it’s unclear if will come to CM5


to flash cm4/cm5 with emmc you need a carrier board, you can’t do it via usb.

so i need to get a carrier board along with a cm5. got it.

nevermind. nobody stocks anything better than lite version with max 4gb of ram and wifi if im lucky

Any update on booting 20% of the time fix just waiting around before I fully use the device



Honnestly i have been running it for wile now and the is no point holding back . The 20% no boot bug in my case is more like 10-15% and you just double click the power switch and turn it back on … its no big deal it takes more time for the cm4 to boot kali :smile: . The more we use it the more reliable it will become .

Its night and day cm4 vs cm5 . Dont hold back , report bugs , and lets move foward .


returning with update on my case:

  • did finally see ui with setup wizard, finished it and press “reboot”, device goes to reboot and stuck in black screen.

  • I’ve attached external hdmi device and saw that it is “sd card not detected” issue. Poking around checking different sd cards and video about rpi 5 issues, I’ve found something similar but for full RPI 5, guy there made video and replug card few times during boot-source-loop and finally start OS.

  • In my case to bypass “sd card not detected” issue I need to boot device without card, wait some reasonable time assuming it fails on initial read then put sd card back and it magically start reading kernel loader and passing control further. BUT.

  • If I keep hdmi connected then I see bg picture in blue tones with boat on external screen, main still black, no keyboard or tracker working either. With detached HDMI screen black and after reasonable time of wiaing attaching HDMI also gives nothing.

I need to mention that I have 3 usb-c board expansion (uHub Expansion Card) installed, but removing it nothing really change (or I missing something).

Any thoughts or ways I can provide more debug info?

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I would say this is your problem. The sd card is failing or isn’t fully supported. I’d try a different sd, you shouldn’t have to hot insert the card. The fact you don’t have USB (keyboard) says you might not be using a compatible kernel, are you using this distro?
Burn the image to a new sd card to test.

what cm5 model do you have? im trying to find out if 4gb of ram is a bottleneck. there arent any better models available in the ol blighty.

I personally recommend getting the 8GB model if you can, the 4GB is fine unless you plan on having 25 browser tabs open at once. Honestly, anything you would do that requires more than 4GB of RAM is probably something you should not be doing on a uConsole anyway.

Just to give you an idea about RAM usage, when I am at the desktop with nothing running, my RAM usage sits at around 400MB. With just Firefox open and three tabs, it consumes about 1.5GB of RAM.


4gb 32emmc i have been close to cap it but it was in a test setup trying to run all i want to to with it at the same time and hited 3.7 gb but realisticly you should be fine if you need that mutch ram better off with a laptop :stuck_out_tongue:


And now i run 2 screens :smile: so far no problem at all haha (pushing the fantasy in "fantacy console "
I might make a thread on this project since i want to add 1: more battery and 2 a radioberry tranciver with bandpass filter into 1 beast of a package … maybe then al need 8gb of ram


Brother, I installed this image on my uConsole, but now I have a problem. My keyboard is set to the US layout, but it’s currently using the UK layout, causing some keys on my uConsole to be incorrect. I reinstalled the official keyboard firmware, but the key mappings are still wrong. What should I do?

That happens, open the menu, under Preferences, click on Raspberry Pi Configuration. Go to the Localization tab and click on Set Keyboard. You should be able to set Layout and Variant to English (US). That should fix your issue, at least it did for me.

The keyboard layout I set is the American (QWERTY) keyboard, but the output still corresponds to the British keyboard.

for some reason it happened to me too, I believe I followed this post: WayFire stays on GB keyboard · Issue #119 · raspberrypi/bookworm-feedback · GitHub

and modified (or copied stock one and modified) ~/.config/wayfire.ini and set there xkb_layout=us

(for more advanced configuration (multiple layouts, etc) you can apply there same same xkb_configurations as in xorg, so you can easily google them)

do sudo raspi-config and go to localization and setup the keyboard. even though it says US already select it again.

What a setup :ok_hand:. What screen is that?

Its just prototying stuff getting to know it if was worth having a 2 screen handheld cyberdeck … and so far its been a couple days and i dont see my self removing it anytime soon :smile: i have to come up with a hinge design that would make it fold in a cool maner and then add battery to the screen so it dosent drain the uconsole …andd maybe trace a ribon cable out of the top knotch straght to the hdmi of the screen so it looks neat … al make a thread one day of you guys are interestesd .

The screen is a 7in toutch pannel that is advertise on aliexpress as part of the radioberry project ita easy to find , its around 60$cad the toutch screen behevior needs some boundery tweaking but as i say al make a thread one day


Is it really a handheld with the second screen attached?

is it really a handheld if it has an integrated stand out of the box :thinking: