Can Raspberry Pi OS be installed on DevTerm A04?

+1 to the above comment, re: the quoted thread being old. It was thanks fo the community that we all came together and solved the Lima driver problems, which seem to be the source of that thread’s woes.

The community will find a way, just like they always have; if enough people want it. That includes putting raspberry Pi OS on the gameshell.

Even if you can’t specifically install raspberry Pi OS, you could no doubt just install a Debian desktop environment, which is pretty much the same thing.

At the end of the day, the more that people use the clockwork OS, the quicker problems will be solved, and innovations made.

That said, if there does end up being a large raspberry Pi OS following, naturally more progress will be made on optimising that.

Guu posts fairly regularly. There also are always mods posting on the boards. Yong makes announcements. And occasionally Hal will have a few things to say.
There was a thread where Yong mentioned that the idea was to have this as a community driven forum, where there isn’t one voice that is stronger than another.

There have been plenty of venting posts in the past, such as the one quotes in the OP. Starting another one will just end up with the same things being said, and everyone’s time wasted.