Can Raspberry Pi OS be installed on DevTerm A04?

This is like saying “can I put a Mitsubishi Lancer body kit on my Subaru Impreza”
I mean … sure you could? You’ll just have to spend more time than it’s worth to customise it to play nicely.

RPi OS was made to cater towards exact specifications of RPi devices, and addons. Eg, the HAT emulators etc. there aren’t compatible headers to attach RPi foundation hardware, so most of the features would seem pointless.

As mentioned above, RPi OS is basically the Debian OS with pre loaded apps for educational purposes for RPi, and raspberry shaped icons. You could just make a list of the programs you want, and then install them manually.

You wouldn’t be able to use the NOOBS installation on a gameshell. See the link below for why:

Perhaps you could with the devterm? I haven’t looked into it. But it’s so specifically catered to another board, that it would be more through than it’s worth.