Change desktop environments

so i ran that command, and it worked, and i found a .conf file in the etc/system/systemd folder. that conf file only had two lines, and commenting them somehow turned on the screen reader program (like the kind for blind people) so that didn’t help lol.
What did work though, was sudo tasksel (make sure you sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y if this is a fresh install or else you’ll get an error!) and then in tasksel i selected my DE of choice with the spacebar, tab to “ok” and hit enter. Then, I ran sudo apt-get install gdm3 which is the gnome display manager. After running that command was run the system asked me which display manager i wanted to use and i picked GDM3. Then, i rebooted, and the system showed me the GDM3 log in screen! clicked my user account, and on the bottom right, in the settings menu, was able to select the Cinnamon desktop environment, and its been running smoothly ever since.
In my other thread on programs/games not downloading or running correctly i said i was having issues, turns out they run just fine in Cinnamon. Must be a XFCE/LXDE problem.

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