Must have games on the uConsole

What is everyone playing on their uConsole?
What’s something everyone needs to at least try?
I want to get Dwarf Fortress running on it, but so far no luck. If anyone could help me get it running, I’d much appreciate it.
Also, Infinifactory runs, but is unplayable slow (I’d guesstimate 5FPS), which is a shame since it’s one of the best games ever.

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Slightly off topic, but what desktop environment are you running?

That looks like XFCE. Looks like they made a couple changes to the displayed items on the panel but they all look like the basic included items with XFCE so nothing custom. You can add/remove items from the panel by right clicking it and clicking Add Item in the Panel submenu.

Dwarf Fortress is already great. There to would still Nethack or for in between moon-buggy.
I think I will use it a lot to play Pico8 games.

any opinion on xfce vs normal pi build?

Raspbian’s default desktop environment is a modified version of LXDE called PIXEL, so its fine I guess. If you want another lightweight DE i would suggest MATE as it looks a lot more modern.

It’s very recommended to look at this wiki, where some of the games I’ve compiled and built, run very well (List of Linux ARM games - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game)

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Do you know how you can switch to LXDE? I wasn’t sure how to install or set it. I tried some thing like “sudo apt install lxde-desktop-environment” but it doesn’t seem to exist lol.

I believe the packages you will need to install LXDE are these: lxde-core lxappearance

and to switch desktop environments I think you run this and select the DE you want to start at boot.

sudo update-alternatives --config x-session-manager

Wow! Baba is you? How?

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I detail how to change DE’s in this thread. I’m sure you can install LXDE that way, but changing to it from XFCE is difficult without messing with the display manager pre-configured from Clockwork Pi. Easy way is to wipe your SD card and install the LXDE image from Clockwork Pi’s Github (for the CM4, i dunno what the A-06 and R-01 images are).

I’ve really been enjoying Minetest (with the Mineclone2 game) and Pokemon Crystal Clear, a GBC ROM hack i play through Mednafen. Both Minetest and Mednafen must be downloaded from the Flathub store for different reasons. Minetest because with the Debian 11 build you cannot download mods, games, or texture packs because you’ll get “your minetest engine is too old” errors. And Mednafen from the Flathub store because otherwise I get terrible screen tearing.
If you turn down all the graphics settings with Mineclone2 I can get a stable 30 FPS with my slight overclock CM4 unit (to OC your CM4 follow the instructions in my other post above) and its very playable once you remap the keys.
Games that run great out of the box without tinkering are Cave Story, Chess, Frogatto, and Quadrapassel (Tetris clone). I’m going to try out Katawa Shoujo (a open source visual dating novel) but I haven’t yet. If you go to Flathub, go to the games section, and select the aarch64 architecture there’s a ton of games to try!

Silly question but how did you get desktop icons?