Community STL Repo

No update on additional STL/models right? Just checking.

What material and online site do you guys recomend to print 3d parts for the game shell?

Great to see the files are published so we can tinker / 3d print some parts.

Iā€™d like to try out printing out (red) A/B buttons (one of the first commends I got was ā€œbut the A/B buttons arenā€™t red !ā€ :wink: )

Iā€™m having trouble with the GameShell_keys.7z which I can manage to load in Blender, then extract only the part of the design (delete a part in blender is ok for a blender noobie such as myself), I then export to STL. I got a GameShell_keys.stl and GameShell_keys_only_buttons.stl (will upload to fork on github) but thatā€™s still a lot of unnecessary plastic for just the buttons. Tried to model in blender, freecad, meshlab (even tinkercad) with no success.

Any chance of getting some source files that are easy to manipulate using free and open source software ? (thanks in advance) for the files.