DevTerm Tips & Tricks

DevTerm’s resolution is 1280x480 pixels. While 480 pixels should be enough for everyone, we know that some X11 applications sometimes need more… sometimes only by a tiny amount, but that amount is enough to make inaccessible some crucial UX element.

There are three quick&dirty ways how to temporarily help in such a situation:

  1. xrandr --output DSI-1 --scale X makes the apparent screen X times bigger. I.e. X=2 means you will fit 2560x960 pixels om your screen, scaled down accordingly (everything will be twice as small). X=1.5 seems a good value - still somewhat readable compared to the default settings, with 720 vertical pixels. You can even use X<1 to zoom the screen in. Use --scale 1 to revert.
  2. xrandr --output DSI-1 --fb 1280x720 --rotate right --panning 720x0 makes a virtual screen 1.5 times taller. Use the mouse to pan up&down. Use xrandr --output DSI-1 --fb 1280x480 --rotate right --panning 0x0 to revert. Modify the numbers according to your preferences. Depending on your window manager, the compositor might interfere (typically, the panned-in bottom will remain black, although mouse will move there and windows will react). If you are using xfce4, use the command xfwm4 --replace --compositor=off as a quick workaround.
  3. xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate normal rotates the screen vertically (i.e. what for the LCD panel is the normal orientation). This is even usable for e.g. e-book reading, if you are so inclined :-). Use xrandr --output DSI-1 --rotate right to revert.

(edited; fixed panning & added rotate)