DevTerm Writing Apps / Suite / Distro?

I’m excited about the prospect of the DevTerm as a dedicated portable writing machine. It has a better pricepoint than the FreeWrite and potential could offer more features for writers.

This is where I think I might be able to help. A few years ago I created a Raspberry Pi based Linux distro for writers*, and I was working on updating it when I came across the DevTerm.

I’d love to contribute to either adding such functionality to the DevTerm (via the launcher?) or even providing an alternative distro (if that’s a better solution), but am wondering if there is an existing one for it I can work with?

There isn’t much in at the moment, but I’m eager to get started.


Thanks for your suggestion! Nate, your PiWrite Writing Platform is really a great collection of writing tools! :+1:
Please allow me to copy some of the screenshots over here:
image image
image image

We are open to the ideas of bring this functionality to DevTerm via either launcher or alternative distro. We are currently still working on the software on DevTerm, it will be released at when ready. Please stay tuned.

Recently, I finished watching the documentary California Typewriter.

While I do not entirely agree with the Typewriter Manifesto that we should resist and rebel against the new information technology, I do think we could take back more control with the technology itself for more privacy, self-reliance, and for less dependency, obsession, distraction. We do envision our novelists, songwriters and screenwriters, jump into their next great works on DevTerm anywhere, anytime when inspiration strikes.

Happy new year! Dreamers and Creators.


Thanks for the encouragement. I really hope I’ll be useful.

I’ll keep an eye on the progress on Github and this forum.

I’ll also check out that documentary too. I have an old portable journalist’s typewriter from the 30s that I’ve had since my teens, but it’s mainly decorative these days, and the DevTerm would be a more practical and portable solution.

I’d love to see writers of all kinds using the DevTerm as part of their creative process.

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Just curious, any app supports Markdown? New to linux as well.

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Might need some tests but I believe Ghostwriter would work pretty well.

Anyway its a great editor!

5 Likes (based on RPI-lite with xfce)
md5sum ab081eabf24ae501dc3f40a9126b7e5a
This version is optimized for immersive writing and comes pre-installed with Obsidian.

CM4 only
It might be helpful

I have a DevTerm - the keyboard and body are too large for thumbtyping and too small for touch typing - I’ve found used laptops with ~10" screens about the right size for portable use and have loaded them with the i86 distribution of Rasbian - just my observations - I use the DevTerm but prefer and external keyboard and mouse…

Out of interest, why a non-foss application like Obsidian compared to open source alternatives? I note that the A0x core images seem to come with VSCodium rather than VSCode so I assumed open source apps would have been a priority.