Emulationstation on Gameshell

This weekend I tried to compile emulationstation on Gameshell since I messed up with Retropie.

I see the solution “emulationstation only” as a complement to what the OS already allows.

It works very well!
The configuration of ES is quite simple and so we have the opportunity to have themes more sympathetic than the simple list of roms offered by the OS.

I’m thinking of creating an optimized theme for 320x240 resolution.

Are you interested in a tutorial?


I would like to try that, so a tutorial would be great! I thought about it too but I’m not familiar with emulationstation (except for simply using it), so I didn’t really invest the time to figure out how to get it running.

A tutorial would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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Yes please! A tutorial would be great

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And this is the icon, made by me :



great,did you use the v0.3 OS.i compiled the emulationstation with V0.3OS before . but lancher the screen blurred.

I’m sorry but how can I get the version of the OS ?

I tried to search in “About” section but there is only kernel version.

Are you sure you tried with the official git of EmulationSation ? On the master branch ?

Thank you!

This or Lakka is what I want to do with the GameShell, but with 0.3 the console is unusable for me. Waiting impatiently for an update for the lima driver.

One question. Why are you using the 4 years old ES from Aloshi instead of the updated one from the Retropie guys?

I tried it but I was unable to launch it.
The log said :
lvl0 error - file type unknown

I’ll try to compile on the video branch this evening

v0.3 OS see this clockworkOS v0.3 with GPU driver is available!
it is add the GPU driver and suport VSYNC . i compied emulationstation from Retropie some days ago with the v0.3 but it launch screen blurred.
and i post an issue to retropie forum
from the answer since the lima driver not stable.

lvl0 error - file type unknown means
you’re missing the resources folder in the right location - see:

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I’ve got v0.3 since I have the Lima driver available

You were right :wink:

Just need to put ~/EmulationStation/ressources into ~/.emulationstation/

I will update the wiki

did it launch no screen blurred

What do you mean by “blurred” ?

Did you install a TFT theme or you keeped the Carbon default theme ?

i keep the carbon default theme blurred like this image

Can’t see anything, sorry :grin:

Try to use a theme adapted to the Gameshell’s resolution

Which theme you recomend ?

You can try the GBZ’s. The links are on the wiki page

Pixel TFT is great too.


I can’t seem to get a build. After running cmake I got an error that said it couldn’t find the VLC library, so I installed it. I ran cmake again and it errored out again:

The source directory


does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.