Oh my goodness this is amazing!! I am super keen on this. This is probably as close to an official Lakka pure gaming device experience as we’re going to get!
I am going to download this right away.
This is the kind of image that I’d be happy to hand to someone as a gift, as a person who purely wants to play games on their gameshell.
I’ve been a huge fan of your work. Can’t wait to see more updates to it!
As for the auto expand, the one I’m currently using on my images is the one from @guu
There was also one that I got from @hpcodecraft that automatically downloads all the tools required to expand, expands, then removes the tools.
printf "${GREEN}Installing dependencies...${NC}\n"
# Install growpart util
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo apt-get -y install cloud-guest-utils
printf "${GREEN}Growing partition...${NC}\n"
# Grow root partition
sudo growpart /dev/mmcblk0 2
printf "${GREEN}Resizing file system...${NC}\n"
# Resize file system
sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
printf "${GREEN}Cleaning up...${NC}\n"
# Uninstall growpart package again
sudo apt-get -y remove cloud-guest-utils
printf "\n${GREEN}Done! Reload UI and Check Settings->Storage 😊 ${NC}\n\n"
Also, on another note, given the simplicity of the OS, this could work as a great base to use something like Emulation Station as a front end. It would be a lot more visually appealing, and about as close to having a RetroPie like experience in a handheld console. There was some talk of it here:
That would at least make using standalone emulators that don’t depend on Retroarch easy to access.