Help Needed: uConsole Keyboard, Trackball, and Display Issues on ClockworkPi-Bookworm-6.6.70

Help! :slight_smile:

I’m seeking assistance with my uConsole setup. Here’s a summary of my current situation:

Hardware and Software Details:

Device: uConsole
Core Module: Raspberry Pi CM4 with 32GB eMMC and 4GB RAM
Operating System: ClockworkPi-Bookworm-6.6.70.img.xz

Current Status:

External Monitor: Functions correctly when connected via HDMI.
uConsole Display: Backlight is on, but no visual output.
Keyboard and Trackball: Non-responsive.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

I2C Detection:
    Ran sudo modprobe i2c-dev successfully.
    Attempted sudo i2cdetect -y 1 but received:

Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-1' or `/dev/i2c/1': No such file or directory

Event Testing:

Executed sudo evtest which listed:

/dev/input/event0: pwr_button
/dev/input/event1: vc4-hdmi-0
/dev/input/event2: vc4-hdmi-0 HDMI Jack
/dev/input/event3: vc4-hdmi-1
/dev/input/event4: vc4-hdmi-1 HDMI Jack

No entries for the uConsole's built-in keyboard or trackball.

Kernel Messages:

Checked dmesg | grep -i "uconsole\|trackball\|keyboard" with no relevant output.

Configuration File:

Reviewed /boot/firmware/config.txt and confirmed the following settings:

dtoverlay=clockworkpi-uconsole-cm5   # uConsole overlay for CM5
dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi5,cma-1024   # Enable KMS with 1024MB CMA for Pi 5

Package Installation Attempts:

Tried installing specific packages:

sudo apt install clockworkpi-keyboard clockworkpi-trackball clockworkpi-display

Received errors indicating these packages couldn't be located.

Input Devices Check:

Output of cat /proc/bus/input/devices showed no entries for the uConsole's keyboard or trackball.

Module Loading:

Attempted sudo modprobe libinput but encountered:

    modprobe: FATAL: Module libinput not found in directory /lib/modules/6.6.70-v8-16k+

Additional Information:

I have referenced the official ClockworkPi uConsole repository (GitHub link) and related GitHub issues for guidance.
Similar issues have been discussed in the community forum (forum link), but the provided solutions haven't resolved my situation.

Request: I’m reaching out to see if anyone has encountered similar issues or can offer guidance on resolving the non-responsive keyboard, trackball, and internal display on the uConsole. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards,

If you are using a CM4 you don’t need to worry about the pi5 section. For your situation just flash the image to your emmc and boot in the uConsole no editing of the config.txt needed. You only need to edit the config.txt if you have a DevTerm. Even if you upgrade to a CM5 you won’t need to edit it.

My bad Rex, it’s a CM5.I’ve got ssh access to it atm.

Just flash and go then. The CM5 is still experimental, no audio and the display panel still fails to start about 20% of the time. If the panel fails to start just reboot the device till you get a image. I’ll be jumping back into it for a few days next week and see if I can fix it.