Update: so i think where i got to was a fluke. Tried redoing everything like shown bellow but i didnt get to that start up screen again. So how i got there (for people who want some info) i used both the guide that clockworkpi supplies up to adding the repositories for uconsoles (ill add a link) and some added steps for battery reconfiguration (supplied by the community) all on a current image (v.24) supplied by pi imager. So i learned that adding the lines into the config.txt helps that clockworkpi supplies but i can’t seem to start the install of ubuntu once the sd card is in the uconsole. Maybe it’ll work if you first do it on a pi 4 (i only have a pi 5) then add the necessary packages for it to work on uconsole. Hope this helps anyone who wants to tackle this in the future.
So i dont want to get everyone too excited but might have ubuntu working on uconsole. Did come into this issue though (second photo) and no keyboard is working and anyone is welcome to chime in on any help. Will be updating with any more progress i make.