Make sure you are using the correct image, on the uConsole the USB isn’t powered up without the OS telling it to. If you are using the DevTerm image, it doesn’t happen. My attempts to run the CM3 ended up with that problem.
If you have another memory card you could just image another. I have the CM3 in my DevTerm and the R-01 in the uConsole. The CM4S is kind of running in the uConsole, but has major issues as the I/O lines have been moved around.
I’m experiencing the same exact issue. I’m going to contact directly and see if I can get some support, but I’m literally experiencing what you described @rikiwarren and also tried a USB keyboard/mouse combo, but nothing.
I’ve even re-opened and tried to re-sit the keyboard pad. When doing that, there’s an LED on the keyboard PCB, and when I click or touch any of the key areas or trackball, it lights up, which tells me that’s not the problem.
Not sure, but this is super disappointing considering I waited almost a year (I was one of the first to pre-order Oct last year) and I literally just received it today. I’ve also had this problem with the keyboard not working on the Devterm unfortunately.
Ok. I downloaded the current uConsole A06 image, flashed it to a memory card, and tried booting from that. But the behavior is exactly the same. It boots fine. The screen’s working. But I’m not getting any response from the trackball or keyboard.
Just a random thought, have you tried pressing Fn+Esc? That locks and unlocks the keyboard and trackball. I’m not sure how it would default to off, but it’s worth a try as it’s an easy test.
I did the same thing… fresh install (A06), boots up fine, and screen works, but still no keyboard or trackball functionality. I’m at a loss with what else I should attempt atp.
So, I found an old post for the DevTerm that describes the exact same problem. Apparently, the issue was a bad connection between the battery pack and the main board.
I’m going to try and make sure the connections are all clean and everything’s making contact–but I probably can’t get around to that until tomorrow.
Yea, I own the DevTerm and had a similar issue, but it was the pin connection to the batteries. This doesn’t seem to be the same issue imo, as the fit for the uConsole is much better than the DevTerm’s.
I also reached out to support via email a couple days and waiting for a response from their R&D team on what could be the issue. If it is a hardware issue, it’s hard to believe we’re the only two people experiencing this. Especially since our problems seem to be exactly the same. I’ll update here once I hear anything.
I got the keyboard/trackball to work correctly. Clockwork support got back to me and asked to check if the core was seated correctly. When I re-opened the back it seemed fine, but I released the core and re-sat it. When I turned on that fixed the issue. While it looked like the core was sat perfectly fine, maybe it was off a bit or not fully making contact on a pin, because now it works fine. Worth a shot! Hope it works for you. Cheers
just to confirm for anyone having problems with keyboard/trackball not working after assembly of uConsole… I just got mine delivered today and after assembly keyboard/trackball did not work - taking core out and installing it again solved the issue. uConsole is working fully… just waiting for 8GB RAM CM4 and batteries to put in it now
Got my unit a few days ago and build was pretty smooth.
used a CM4 8GB
Flashed the img from clockwork on an SD I have been using in another RPi 4.
First boot I waited about 15 min since I was doing something on desktop. All I saw was black screen.
Checked SD, was seated properly. Powered up and watched closer this time. Backlight came on but no post like Linux loves to do.
Cracked it back open and made sure every part was well seated and Batteries were in correctly.
Still no visible boot other than backlight.
Took it to work next morning and put on my service bench where I could try an external Monitor.
Now I get a proper looking Linux boot and The Raspberry desktop. (External HDMI Works!)
No keyboard or track ball! Ok drag out a keyboard and mouse. Nothing— No USB (I did not try the USB-C port, Power only as I understand things)
So I totally disassembled the UConsole again including KB and Track Ball and all boards.
Double checked for bent fingers or trash and made sure everything was seated and in correct alignment.
same results. Shot email off to on Thursday, still waiting for reply.
If anyone has any ideas please let me know. If help at clockwork is a dead end I am open to suggestions.