How are the GameShell OS image files generated?


The thread for the v0.4 image of clockwork OS GameShell OS image files (v0.4 latest) being a bit long, here is a new thread about questions I have on how this image is built/generated ?

Does anyone know how this image is being built ? I know there are a bunch of open source parts that are built in it that are available on clockwork’s github but it would be nice to have a guide on how to build it (enabling easier customization?) and the open source approach would be complete. (we could even go as far as to aim for but that’s a whole other topic and is a very difficult thing to do).

I think having the build procedure and tools would make it also easier for people trying to setup a dev environment and an emulation environment (virtualbox, qemu, etc).

I’d also be interested in pointers if some of the work is being upstreamed to different projects the clockworkOS is using : the linux kernel (cf ), and maybe getting the arduino compatible device upstream ( - as far as I see in lsusb it says “Test USB device”), etc.

Thanks in advance, and hope that clockworkOS will stay and expand as hackable and open also on the software side.

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No answer to my question. Anyone know of forum members that are “official” members of clockworkpi/gameshell that we could ping on this topic specifically ?

@guu or @yong? I think guu wrote something about the process somewhere on this forum.

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Maybe version 0.6 of the image (when it’ll come out) could be a reproductible buildable image ?

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You can see everything that I needed to do to get my minimal Debian running. It was not easy to get u-boot running, and still missing some features from the one we have installed in the official OS (HDMI, and LED support). But maybe is a good start, and someone else can help me to improve it.