for i = 1, 100 do, 0, 320, 240)
I’m currently using a second hand machine so I’m not sure if it’s my machine or love2d rendering is really this slow on gameshell. Would like to hear some performance stats from all you guys, with love2d or other tools, thanks!
Omamori, the game I developed ( is made with Love2d, how does it run without lima in your machine? (with lima it displays severe graphical glitches)
I don’t have a GameShell unfortunately, but I received conflicting feedbacks from different people, stating that the game runs like how you’re experiencing but also stating that it runs almost perfectly.
I haven’t seen any graphical glitches yet. I really wonder how he achieved 55-60fps. Would really love to know the exact fps (I added a fps counter on screen)
Honestly all i did was test the two drivers to see which one ran best and the fbturbo driver is the best one for the game. I honestly didn’t use a frame counter. i just guessed the frames per second to be honest with y’all
I just updated to the newest system (0.4.2) and lima runs my game at 60fps (24fps with fbturbo), but have the following problems (that I’ve experienced):
has little chance to freeze at the first frame
has very little chance to not run at all
segfault if I use love2d’s canvas with stencil (setCanvas({ canvas, stencil = true }))
overall unstable, and there should be a few other problems that I only saw one time and forgot.
I also have custom shader, but I haven’t seen any black boxes in my game. I guess it’ll be hard to pinpoint the exact problem since you don’t have a machine.