Manjaro MATE for the uConsole/DevTerm

Manjaro MATE kernel: 6.6.51

Buddy at work wanted Manjaro MATE for his new uConsole. So I thought someone else in the community would like to use it to.

Raspberry Pi Imager will cause image not to boot if you apply custom settings.

Links to my working/testing images and kernels with the *.deb files to install in the mega folder if you want for different OSs.

Google Drive link for the image if Mega link doesn’t work for you.


Really enjoying this image.

I have a question: Does anyone know if Manjaro has any sorts of telemetry/analytics?
I have found mentions of posible future implementation of telemetry into Manjaro dated 2021 and 2022. (Reddit - Dive into anything, Manjaro Telemetry - Non-technical Questions - Manjaro Linux Forum) but I couldn’t find a definitive answer if it was implemented by now or not.

Googling a bit it doesn’t look like it but to be sure i’d ask on the Manjaro forums or monitor your connection and see if it phones home.

Wanted to try this image.

Package manager notifies of 126 updates.

Trying to apply updates through package manager I get an empty window “Choose a provider for dbus-units” and then “could not satisfy dependencies: - removing harfbuzz-icu breaks dependency ‘harfbuzz-icu’ required by webkit2gtk-4.1”

When I built the image it was able to fully update. I just did sudo pacman -Syu and went with all the defaults on the first update.

…Package manager… breaks dependency? What are you using? pamac or pacman? What are you trying to install which is warning of breakage?

I’m getting Ubuntu vibes with Manjaro there. Glad I stuck with vanilla Arch BTW.