I’m wondering if there are any good resources for becoming familiar with how to setup and use Sway. It seems like a great interface for the Devterm, and i played around with it a bit back when the Manjaro builds first started appearing.
While I’d consider myself fairly competent with the usual window managers and cli, Sway just seemed so… different. And while there are resources online that answer specific questions (like configuration tweaks, for example), I found myself not knowing the right questions to even ask.
It seems like Sway requires a different way of thinking and different sort of approach to managing tasks. Does anyone know of a good introduction to it? Perhaps something that shows some examples of usage would help me get my head around it. Not really looking for an “idiot’s guide” so much as something to shed more light on the way people use it and go about thinking about it.
Sorry if this is kind of off-topic, but the Manjaro builds seem to be somewhat superior to the official OS, and Sway seems like an ideal (and fascinating) interface for the Devterm.
Example navigation using only the keyboard on the DevTerm A06. Cat a script. Bring term into full screen, run the script that runs a jpeg to ascii program a couple times, drop out of full screen.
I’m loving it for DevTerm. It’s perfect. I find it restricting (for now, at least) on a large screen laptop.
I installed it before, but I’d swear there was no welcome screen like the one shown in your screenshot. Perhaps I had a very early version of it, before that was added. It would have been useful, since one of the things I was looking for at the time was how to change configuration settings, and the welcome screen has the paths right there. Nice! (I eventually did find the location, in part thanks to someone here who pointed me in the right direction, but it involved some research and fumbling around that could have been avoided by that welcome screen!)
The cheatsheet looks quite useful too. I’ll check out the video as well.
Yeah, I’m most familiar with Debian and apt. I’ve never used arch before, though I was tempted to install it on the Gameshell when that was new, as like here, it seemed a more stable, streamlined, and up to date option than the official OS.
This may be answered in the video, or other materials, but what happens when you use the command to exit Sway? It’s essentially the window manager, right? Actually, I already answered my own question… I guess i3 is the window manager, and it’s still around when Sway exits.
Is there a way to edit the default screen to rotate 90 degrees in Windows? I tried this last night and got frustrated really fast (didn’t help that I was having download issues and Sway was the only one that would download completely).
Wow, this looks really useful. I’ve been experimenting with i3 on the R01, but Sway looks great. I wonder if it can be compiled for the R01… hmm, since it requires Wayland, I’m guessing not! I have an A06 core on the way as well, so maybe this will be more useful to me when that arrives.
Pull out sdcard, re-insert, and let it mount the root dir on the sdcard.
This part was fuzzy for me - mounting the sdcard did not give me access to a root dir, or at least not one where i could edit the /etc/ file for sway config. But NBD, easy enough to fix when booted into the device.
But everything “just works” and it’s a good sway+goodies configs out of the box, too!