New user of the uConsole tearing on the screen when checking videos

I think is noticeable because the screen is rotated 90degrees maybe I need to screen the refresh rate?

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Hi Trinity,

it was on youtube 720p fullscreen or Mednaffe fullscreen
was some vertical tearing on the thirds of the screen

but now I did something and mess up the screen settings.
I think now only have external screen. Not sure what I did
what is a ps output I know a little of bash

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anyone can show me a normal config.txt i think this one is mess up

Here you go


I had good results getting rid of tearing by enabling Wayland. I believe it’s still listed as mildly experimental in raspbian though, and comes with all the usual wayland caveats.

Use ‘raspi-config’ in the terminal, then go to Advanced->Wayland and enable.


Nice, which caveat ?

I don’t have my uConsole yet, but I tried activating Wayland on my DevTerm and one thing I noticed was that it broke the VNC server I had setup on it. Disabling Wayland caused the VNC server to start working again. So maybe that’s one of the caveats. :wink:

Yeah, absolutely - if it’s something that interacts with the screen (especially if it’s X11 specific) it may simply not work, or be buggy.

For myself so far I noticed that tic-80 fullscreen freezes the display under wayland, and I had to press F11 to go windowed to use it.

If there’s as solution to tearing that doesn’t involve using a slightly more experimental feature like wayland on the pi I’d love to hear it.

Thank you, this solved the issue with the screen not rendering. :smiley:

now ill try to check about the tearing again ill place photos

correct config.txt



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enabling wayland get rid of the tearing in youtube, but emulators stop rendering images

the render need to be done by softfb no opengl
no tearing in emulators now

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Hello, my friend. I encountered a similar issue where the screen tearing was particularly noticeable when the screen pixels changed vertically. I followed the steps mentioned above to enable Wayland and modified the config.txt file. However, now I’m experiencing video playback freezing when in full screen mode. Have you encountered this issue as well?