uConsole os Images

Here are the download links for uConsole OS images:

You can find the image files on this GitHub page: uConsole OS Images.

After downloading the files, you need to uncompress them. Please note that MacOS requires version 11.6 or higher to uncompress 7z files.

For flashing the uConsole OS image, you can use the following tools:

  • Windows and macOS users can use Etcher to flash the image.
  • Linux users can use the “dd” command to flash the image.

If you want to use the 4G extension, you can find helpful tips on how to use it on the uConsole Wiki.

Additionally, we have a new uConsole keyboard firmware flash program available. You can download it from this link: uConsole Keyboard Firmware Flash Program.

This firmware update fixes a bug related to the fn key and changes the volume key logic. Here’s how you can flash the firmware on uConsole(A06 or CM4 only) or a PC running Ubuntu 22.04:

  1. Download the uconsole_keyboard_flash.tar.gz file.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive: tar zxvf uconsole_keyboard_flash.tar.gz.
  3. Install the required package using the following command: sudo apt install -y dfu-util.
  4. Navigate to the extracted directory: cd uconsole_keyboard_flash.
  5. Execute the flash script with root privileges: sudo ./flash.sh.
  6. If everything goes well, you will see a progress bar indicating the flashing process.
  7. If any issues occur or the keyboard loses control (which is unlikely), simply reboot uConsole to resolve it.
  8. Rest assured that this flash program will not brick your keyboard.

Excellent thank you. I’ve installed the A6 build and the keyboard flash successfully from these links.

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I ordered the CM4 version, is there a way to install another linux distro? debian, ubuntu,… on another SD card? is there a drivers issues maybe?

Since is a CM4, My best guess is that you can use other distros, the problem is maybe you need to do specific configurations, like rotate the screen.

yeah,you are right

and here is the kernel patch:

the kernel of uConsole cm4 now have rotation by default, no need to adjust


Nice to know, thanks. I want to bake my own image based on the latest Ubuntu (23.04 today) but I think there will be some adjustments to be made that will be documented later. DevTerm already has a lot of information on its wiki, but uConsole, since is a newer project, will have more details soon, I think.

Is the screen rotation in kernel planned for Devterm too?

I’m in the batch that received their uConsole, but without the CM4 adapter. I do have a CM3 to put in, though, in the meantime. Which OS image should I use? I see a Clockwork OS 0.5 that presumably is from older devices, so I’ll try that, but anything else I should look at?

I haven’t seen a CM3 image that will work. I would like a 64 bit CM3 image, haven’t had time to attempt to build one.

They haven’t produced instructions on building an OS for this thing either. Not sure how hard that would be.

They have the instructions here:

Here is for CM3: Create DevTerm CM3 OS image from scratch · clockworkpi/DevTerm Wiki · GitHub


I see that they do include notes for the uConsole now, thought it was for DevTerm only.

Hi have you managed to make a ubuntu image as of yet?

Hi! Not yet. The instructions to build an image for Raspberry Pi 4 are inexistent.

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I was able to build a debian image using: GitHub - LibreRetroToy/armbian-clockworkpi-a06: armbian-clockworkpi-a06
but with the patches from here: GitHub - clockworkpi/uConsole: uConsole git repo


I was able to boot into the image, go through the armbian setup and log into XFCE.
Keyboard and trackpad seem to work fine, as do the arrow keys. I was also able to get online, so I think I would call this a success!


They’re right here.

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Download link wasn’t working earlier, now it’s working. disregard the rest of this.

Can anyone let me know where to get the uconsole image for the A06? I transferred my A06 from my devterm into the uconsole, but it just sits there on boot. I get backlight, but no init, no anything, left it that way for about 20 minutes to see if it was just slow. Re-downloaded the A06 image from dl.clockworkpi.com, but exact same result. On the github page, it mentions a specific uconsole image uConsole_A06_v1.1e.img.7z (GitHub - clockworkpi/uConsole: This code repository offers downloads for the latest images of various uConsole models, along with kernel patches, firmware for the keyboard and 4G expansion module, hardware schematics, assembly instructions, and essential technical documents.) , but it doesn’t appear on the dl website, and nothing in the images page on gitbub. Just got my uconsole today and dying to geek out with it.

I think the old dl.clockworkpi site isn’t used any more, at least it seems that it has been removed from the homepage links. Either way that would be the DevTerm image, not the uConsole.

The second link you posted leads directly to the uConsole image you need? I’m not sure what you mean by “nothing in the images page”.

Sorry, I mentioned the images page, but that was a link someone shared back in july, looks like it was removed.
But, on the page I linked to, that download link was not working earlier. Maybe there was just a hiccup, i could click the link and nothing would happen. I copied and pasted into a new browser tab, nothing. But, trying it a half hour later now, it seems to be working. apologies for the confusion here, I guess I was thinking it was a broken / bad link.

Wondering if there’ll be a new image for the CM4 based on the new version of Rpi OS/debian?