Problem running n64 games

I have been trying to run n64 games on my GS but everytime i load them it asks to setup the game engine automatically but then it cant setup. Please help!?

I have yet to successfully emulate N64 games on any platform. The button config has always been the main challenge for me. By the look of the lack of responses on this post, it would seem that no one else has been able to successfully complete what you are trying to accomplish. Let us know if you make any progress so we can copy your method. Would love to emulate n64, but I literally haven’t tried it in a few years.

I’m pretty sure N64 games ran fairly well using the custom DEOT firmware @javelinface released. That seemed to run everything better than the stock firmware. Unfortunately, it hasn’t been updated in quite a while. I imagine it would require fixes if you wanted to update via apt, and the launcher might break on update too.

As far as controls go, yeah, N64 is tricky, especially on a device with a gameboy button layout. However, the four main buttons and start and select can be pressed with the shift key to send a different button. So 6 buttons are effectively 12. N64 is a system where it’s often best to have a different button coinfig per game since some games use certain buttons more than others.

I’d recommend searching the gameshell forums to see how others have used N64 in the past. There might be details on the DEOT custom thread(s) that describe how it was set up which could give you something to go on. You may need to build your own retroarch core from source, or a standalone emulator.

I’m also not sure the gameshell is powerful enough to run all N64 games at full speed without frameskip. But it should run some games ok…