RTL-SDR module/mounting - general thread

That’s similar to the effect I see… but full disclosure this is a $30 USP wide band receiver … so some compromises have been made - I was able to pick up and decode individual wireless mics at an event where I was operating the video cameras so the ability to troubleshoot RF systems is very handy!

I understand. The mine is a nooelec smartee xtr, than I was expecting a little bit better noisefloor. But onestly, I can’t exlude a neighbor damaged power supply or someting like this.

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I’ve put the full NoOelec SDR including VHF/UHF upconverter on my wish list - thanks!!! I may mount all that in a Harbor Freight case because … why wouldn’t I?

I have done that, but the case is pelican.

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I spent all my money on the DevTerm … now I can only afford the Harbor Freight pelican case knock off :wink: - have you looked at the 3-d printed Ops shell for the Dev Term?

My fault, it is a “max case” an Italian company. It is much cheaper than pelican. Yes I see the shell, it is amazing, but with that the devterm does’n fit the case.

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Yay! I just re-flashed to the new version of Armbian, recompiled and installed SDR++ and now it crashes on start \o/

wow it crashes? i keep a build log

i installed qrqx what did u install?

Enough stuff for it to be hard to narrow down the cause. I am going to reflash again and install that first, and if it works update everything and start installing my software one at a time until I find what broke it. Thought i’d mention it anyway both to vent my frustration and in case anyone else had seen this. Shame I can’t just apt-get this one as I have an A04 and so far this is the best running software i’ve found for both the letterbox aspect and my lack of processing power.