Screenshot when key pressed? Get key-press-signals all over the system?

Hello friends,

I’d like to take screenshots directly on the GameShell to have snapshots and to keep screens with shown passwords.

It would be easy to setup a pygame code to watch these screenshots on the GameShell.

I know the post about making screenshots but I’d like to use screenshots without a ssh connections by just pressing a key (maybe one of the light keys).

I think the xmd command is also possible directly on the GameShell.

So, in short:
How can I define to run a script/code/application by pressing a key while in any other program?

Also, how do I have to modify the xmd-command to run purely on the device?

It would be great if you could help!

What I thought about already:

  • sxkhd works for many distributions and is used mostly for bspwm but maybe it could be used on the GameShell?
  • maybe the gsnotify-system can check a key press like it’s checking for the battery state?

I think you might get away with installing xdotools and binding your favourite screenshot utility (like scrot) to some combination of keys (but I don’t know if it won’t interfere with anything else, preventing tha actual games from getting that keypress)

heavy speculation from here on
Maybe it’s even easier than that though - I think I saw some config files (or folder) called awesome, which made me think that awesomewm might handle the whole event stack and windows. In which case you could just install scrot and add a keybinding to the awesomewm config :slight_smile:

Maaan, now I need to try that too, haha^^