uConsole CM4 + R01 module + uPico expansion for sale in EU

I am selling my uConsole with CM4 module (installed), R01 module and uPico extension (installed). Everything works and is in excellent condition. Batteries and SD card are not included.
I use it too rarely and it’s a shame to just have it lying in the closet.

If interested: https://www.ebay.de/itm/226541714693
or on ebay.com: https://www.ebay.com/itm/226541714693



I’m interested, could you please contact me on Discord? The username is “assentor”

Hi, I have no discord. You can ask me here or on ebay. Greetings

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Hi teepfluecker!
Are the items in question still available? I’m interested. You can email me on pengu5055@protonmail.com

Kind Regards! :))