I used this GitHub - dev-null2019/radxa-cm5-uconsole to make an image and it was ready for testing. Please use:
1.51 GB folder on MEGA
The placement direction can be referred to:
I used this GitHub - dev-null2019/radxa-cm5-uconsole to make an image and it was ready for testing. Please use:
1.51 GB folder on MEGA
The placement direction can be referred to:
Sweet! I might try this if my stuff ever arrives! I assume this is for a board that does not have emmc, anything else that should be known before people buy the sbc?
Looking at the product information for the Radxa CM5, it doesn’t appear they even make one without emmc. The github page indicates a carrier board is needed to flash the Radxa CM5. (And the SD card reference seems to be for usage in that carrier board, and perhaps not for the uConsole itself?) Yet it also indicates support for microSD card, which doesn’t make sense (unless it’s SD on the carrier board and NOT on the uConsole), at least based on what we know about the CM4 and uConsole. It also claims it lacks wifi/bt support since they are missing on the Radxa, so I guess a USB dongle would be needed for those.
You can use the sd and emmc at the same time with the Radxa CM5. Yes you’ll need a separate wifi card with it though.
Our hero,Rex, we need you. Hopefully, in the near future, you’ll be able to build a process that automates the creation of images
I’ve got a lot going on right now but I do have plans to put together a image when I get a chance.
Great to know that you’ll be working on this! Does anyone know whether existing modules like the uPico will be plug and play for the Radxa?
Thanks for the confirmation. Now it hope to install a USB Wifi dongle internally to compensate for the lack of Wifi. The AWUS036ACS looks to be great for pentesting
What expansion board is that? Is it available somewhere (link?) or was it something you had custom built? Thanks.
Thanks for that.
Nice to see a few more Radxa CM5!
dev-null, Thanks for contributing, I just made a package. What you do is the core
Thanks for everyone’s hard work! My Radxa CM5 booted up well, but I see the users “Radxa” and “Rock” but can’t log in since it requires a password. Am I missing anything that allows me to log in? Thanks!
edit: just found out that the password is “radxa” / “rock”
Sorry I forgot to explain the password, by the way, before you compile the USB wifi driver, if you want to connect to the network, you can connect directly to the phone and share the network through USB. The vast majority of Android phones are currently supported
I don’t want to install MEGA, can this be uploaded somewhere with regular HTTP downloads enabled? Google Drive etc.