uPico or uHub - I can’t decide!

I don’t currently have a GPIO connection I need to make but more people seem to choose it over the three ports the hub offers. I can’t decide!

Well i was confused too ,
I have already received the upico but not the uconsole :frowning:
To be honest for the hub i can get over it by buying a dongle if i wanted to use more usbs
But most of the time 2 usb is fine with me, where the pico it can help most of the time i need it to program any micro controller

I think I’m less likely to ever use the GPIO, I’ve never actually used it on a Pi outside of a hat, I’m not much of a tinkerer in that regard, but it’s still hard to decide.

Me neither , i just chose it over the hub , in case i need it in the future, i have no idea how to use the pico to be honest LoL,
But it feels more useful for uconsole to be the hacking device than the hub :slight_smile:

For a plus for the uhub, theres a connector inside the module for an extra usb port, could be useful for something you want connected all the time. For example, you can have a headless m8 from dirty wave and have that connected all the time so you will have access to it as a uconsole music tracker, this is a pretty niche example but it could be applied to anything like an esp32 or maybe even a usb radio (for all you radio tinkerers out there), you will also have the benefit for having your ports outside the uconsole available to have it clutter free or used for other usb connections. Dont get me wrong upico is great to for tinkering but no matter how vast it will be with creativity, its still in one area of use cases, and having one usbc does make it more viable but with other uconsole use cases, uhub might be a great choice

I strongly agree with you, therefore chose what suits ur need, i’m into microcontrollers and programing so thats why i like the Upico more.

For all those who confused, chose based on your needs not what people need.


Totally agree with this statement

They don’t have the solder add on for internal A or C atm (nor do I know how to solder, hah) but that did have some appeal.

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Yes thats true but its early days so might improve

I’ve purchased both but only used the uHub and it works great with Logitech Unifying receiver - but you must load Solaar to configure

Pardon my ignorance, what’s Solaar?

Please except my apologies: " Linux Device Manager for Logitech Unifying Receivers and Devices" I should have explained why I loaded the code and what it did… it lets linux work with a USB Unifying Receiver and Logitech devices and provides a device manager for those devices - with one Unifying Receiver plugged in I can connect with multiple Logitech wireless keyboards and mice… I have a two computer mice and I can jump back and forth between my Laptop and uConsole… with one mouse…

You are all super lucky. So far I found no way to buy a uHub as no one seems to be willing to ship to Europe (France)…

I order my self one and delivered to Kuwait, u need to get a PO box from Aramex , stackry or ship to my us, these company provides you a mail box and delivered to ur home in France