I finally found the 3d links for the object models, a little hard to find, just checkout and use the ‘devterm’ coupon code.
I have also download the OBJ file of DevTerm ,but find out the model is very large and not for 3D printing neither , I wish split the big model into separate parts ,so I can print the small parts e.g. cover of USB ,Power button for spare parts . I woulder that do you have some good ideas for sharing ? Thanks!
I wonder if anyone has managed to separate the OBJ files into separate printable pieces? I’d love to work on the top cover alone, but I’m no 3d expert. I feel if I could get it into tinkercad I could modify it to retrofit my Psion Series 5 MX keyboard I have on hand.
EDIT: Print files for DevTerm chassis - #4 by ksbex This was already found and posted a while ago and I’d forgotten all about it apparently. OP if you need the link is still live. Thanks to the person who posted!
You can get the parts by looking in the catalog and ordering it’s a free product download
Thomas Munn