Why I play 1945plus game, the screen is very small?
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The arcade game is played on a cabinet where the screen is in portrait mode.
That’s true, but the game should at least fill the screen vertically. Notice that it’s severely cropped and off center?
That’s the problem a few of us have been complaining about for the past couple months.
yes. the same to you said.
To center MAME or FBA games do not use Lima
Then go to the FBA or MAME Menu Shift + Enter
Go to Settings/Video and change Aspect Ratio to 1:1
Hi, Lix
where have Enter button? only shift, select,start button.
It was reported by @podmaz that some of the aspect ratio problems were corrected in retroarch 1.7.9. I haven’t tested it myself to validate it, but it could be worth looking into. Keep in mind though, that he had problems with having it work with Lima drivers.
Inadvertently, as @Lix mentioned above, perhaps just by not using Lima, he may have gotten it working.
@apple - Enter is what Start is mapped as.
However I think either @Lix has a different binding to enter the menu, as this isn’t the normal way. You can have “select and start” as a method. This is what I have it set to.
By default, entering the menu is achieved by pushing “SHIFT + MENU” - which in essence, is similar to a laptop’s fn key. This triggers the ESC to be pushed, which will enter the menu.
If you’re feeling adventurous, you can actually have the entire screen rotated 90 degrees, and play 1942 (or any portrait orientated games) as s side scroller. You will just have to map an alternative custom set of keys. Or alternatively, hold your Gameshell sideways; like a wonder swan, and use the keys awkwardly.
Stretching the image just looks nasty. But each to their own.
Yeah I meant SHIFT+MENU
And yes, without Lima, MAME and FBNeo do not crop the image so its centered on the screen. And 1:1 seems to work great but for some wider games I use CUSTOM. For Horizontal games, 4:3 or Core Provided work perfectly.