In my first evening with the DevTerm (which was a fun build and I’m really impressed with the overall design!) it became apparent that despite dabbling for decades with “Linux on the Desktop” I’m still confused by most of the window manager options out there for it
The small screen size is really calling my bluff on these things too…. For example, Inkscape comes pre-installed on the clockworkpi image but I can’t get past the first welcome dialog! I can only see the top half and can’t figure out how to resize or drag the window anywhere to get to the rest of the content.
I found the thread at Help with Panning and virtual screen resolution with some tips for outright changing the overall (virtual) screen resolution. Is that sort of a fun alternative to how everyone else is dealing with the situation? Or is that really what you have to do sometimes?
Basically I’m wondering what the Linux power users do in the sort of situation where a window goes “below the fold”.
Are there:
keyboard shortcuts or
mouse tricks or
not-necessarily-obvious-to-noobies usages of the top frame buttons
or …whatnot that you all are using to move around a “too big” window? Like something obvious to most people that goes unspoken? Or are those screen resolution/panning tricks I linked really the only go-to option? (I don’t mind using them, I just don’t want to years from now have some Linux aficionado catch me messing with that and say “oh that’s interesting but why don’t you just $X instead like a normal person?” )
I use the CM3 on the DevTerm and use the following command
xrandr --output DSI-1 --panning 720x1280
I can then just mouse down and see the rest of the screen.
I use this often enough that I put this in a file stuffed into /usr/local/bin so I just type “pan” to turn on the panning.
Ah! I have the solution of solutions right here! Run xfce4-keyboard-settings and click on “Application Shortcuts”. Then define your own custom keyboard hotkeys! I set the following:
Meta + j is set to run xrandr --output None-1 --panning 1280x1280
Meta + u is set to run xrandr --output None-1 --panning 0x0
Then I can toggle panning on & off with a quick keystroke!
Note that I use “None-1” here because when I run xrandr --listmonitors I see mine is called “None-1”