Updated 16th Mar, 2020
As lots of people are hard to understand the whole process hence I made an AIO Image with latest CPI OS (v0.5) here for your convinence.
Download Here!!
What you need to do
- Download the image
- Flash to a TF card larger than 16GB
- Extend Root partition to full size (No auto expand script included in this version)
- Amend SSID and WIFI password in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf (Optional)
- Get an OTG cable(mentioned below) ready!
How it works
Once boot into system and get above mentioned things ready, you can attach your external storage drive into microUSB by OTG cable. A cron script will check if any external storage exist every minute.
Be aware that XBOX layout is set as default.
Backup the external drive accordingly.
How to access integrated Owncloud
Once the backup process is done, you will be asked to enable WiFi HotSpot. Press A to enable.
After Hotspot enabled, you can connect to the SSID showing on the screen, password is set to 12345678 by default.
Once connected, visit in browser and login with username cpi password cpi
Press B to exit the sharing.
That’s all!
In case of not responding keyboard input you may use sudo killall dwm-mod
through SSH.
If you don’t have access to SSH by this moment you are suggested to perform a hardware rest instead.
All error message during OS startup and WiFi Sharing can by ignored safely.
Technical Details (Released before AIO Image)
0x01 Why am I doing this
At the very first beginning I bought CPI is not for gaming, as extraordinary extension ability is with this device I wondering how to hack the HW and turn it into something useful with me.
What can you achieve after read through this article is, once you connect a storage device to CPI, CPI will automatically backup all files inside, and you can visit them by connecting to WiFi HotSpot activated by CPI and transfer your file through OwnCloud service inside CPI.
0x02 Prerequisites
To connect external device such as card reader or external hard drive, a microUSB OTG cable is a must
To enable larger space inside CPI, a 128G TF card is recommended.
- A new kernel with USB Support Enabled
- Filesystem Support for FAT/NTFS/exFAT
- A cron script for backup periodically
- A backup script and rsync
- A brightness control script (preventing from black screen during backup)
- Apache, PHP installed on CPI
- Owncloud installed on CPI
- Hostapd for WiFi HotSpot Support
- Dnsmasq as replacement for dhcpd
0x03 Before next step…
This is NOT a step-by-step guideline, which means ALL Non-critical steps will NOT be provided.
This is NOT a guideline for beginners, please make sure you know exactly what you are doing.
Basic operations such as disk extension, permission setting will be omitted.
I know nothing about python developing hence all scripts are written by bash. Be my guest to convert into application in launcher if you can.
0x04 Requirement Fulfillment
Cool, you made it. Let’s move on.
Hardware Fulfillment
Get a OTG cable from wherever you could find, it won’t be an issue as it’s not requiring special pins for this cable.
I’ve do a lot of search regarding this topic but seems nothing found here. Someone may mentioned special-pin-version OTG cable is needed, but as my test, for CPI3, it’s not.
After you got your cable, try to connect with a keyboard. If it works, congrats.
Try dmesg
during your debug. If you boot with original kernel version, the keyboard should work but external drive will not. We will discuss this later.
A larger TF card is recommended here as you are making a backup server.
Make sure you created DOS partition table with fdisk, or otherwise you won’t be able to boot up
Software Fulfillment
Kernel Replacement
Thanks to @shell I compiled the new kernel with USB support and for a easier solution you can just download the uImage file here.
To install new kernel, mount /dev/mmcblk0p1
somewhere in CPI, and backup old uImage file, replace with it.
After a reboot you should be able to find more information in dmesg
during inserting a USB drive.
Filesystem Support
Filesystem support is quite easy as same as other Deiban distribution works. No details here.
Cron Script
A script that should periodically executed to monitor if any new drive inserted. A example here:
cpi@DEOT:~/imgbackup$ cat monitor.sh
ls /dev/sd*1 &> /dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1;
return 0;
cd `dirname $0`
[ $? -eq 0 ] && xterm -display :0 -e ./copy.sh
Add a crontab item here:
*/1 * * * * flock -xen /tmp/rsync.lock -c '/home/cpi/imgbackup/monitor.sh'
Make sure flock is used here to prevent multiple instances launched.
Main Backup Script
cpi@DEOT:~/imgbackup$ cat copy.sh
SDRIVE=`ls /dev/sd*1`
echo "Found External Drive $SDRIVE."
read -n1 -sp "Press A to start copy, B to abort." CHOICE
[[ $CHOICE == "j" ]] && echo "Confirmed! Copy in progress!" && copypic
[[ $CHOICE == "k" ]] && echo "Aborted!" && sleep 5 && exit;
sudo groupadd bakgrp
sudo usermod -aG bakgrp cpi
sudo mkdir -p $DEST
sudo chmod 2770 $DEST
sudo chown root:bakgrp $DEST
sudo mkdir -p $MP
echo "Initization Completed. Keep Syncing..,"
which rsync > /dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Rsync not found, installing.." && sudo apt install -y rsync
rsync=`which rsync`
[ ! -d $DEST ] && echo "Destination folder missing, initiating..." && initsetup
echo "Mounting Drive."
sudo mount $SDRIVE $MP
mount | grep "$MP" &>/dev/null
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Mount drive failed, exiting..." && sleep 5s && exit;
echo "Mounted on $MP, now copy started."
rsync -avz --delete $MP $DEST
sudo umount $MP
echo "Now refreshing Owncloud files..."
sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/html/occ files:scan --all
sleep 5
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Backup Succeed. Now loading Hotspot Module." && sleep 2 && hotspot;
[ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Backup Failed, exiting...." && sleep 5 && kill `pgrep setbright` && killall dwm-mod && exit;
# ls /dev/sd*1 > /dev/null
# [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1;
# return 0;
read -n1 -sp "Do you want to enable WiFi HotSpot for sharing?" CHOICE
[[ $CHOICE == "k" ]] && echo "OK, bye." && kill `pgrep setbright` && sleep 5 && killall dwm-mod && exit;
echo "Enabling WiFi HotSpot Module!"
echo "Reconfiguring dnsmasq..."
sudo cp /etc/dnsmasq-wifi.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf
sudo systemctl stop wicd
sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq
echo "Pulling up hostapd."
(sudo hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf &)
sleep 2s
sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask
while true; do
read -n1 -sp "Press B to exit" CHOICE
while [[ $CHOICE == "k" ]]; do
sudo cp /etc/dnsmasq-wire.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf
sudo systemctl start wicd
sudo systemctl restart dnsmasq
sudo killall hostapd
sudo systemctl restart networking
sleep 5
kill `pgrep setbright`
killall dwm-mod
# loop
# [ $? -eq 0 ] && init
#Set Brightness to always on
[ -f setbright.sh ] && (./setbright.sh &) || echo "Bright Control script is missing."
Make sure you have amend all path mentioned and all folder are created.
Brightness control script
cpi@DEOT:~/imgbackup$ cat setbright.sh
while true
#pgrep rsync >/dev/null
# while [ $? -eq 0 ]
# do
sudo echo 8 > /proc/driver/backlight
# done
sleep 10s
Quite simple, but not easy to find out the control interface.
Apache, PHP Installation
As same as all Debian-like distribution, no details here.
make sure your website root path is /var/www/html/
Owncloud Installation
During the first time you visit your owncloud you will be asked to set the backup directory, point it to /backup/
, and make sure appropriate permission is given.
Add www-data
to bakgrp
group, make sure folder /backup/
is with permission 2770
and group is set to bakgrp
for common owning.
Enable Hostapd Support
Be advised the wicd
will conflict will hostapd hence please shutdown wicd
before continue by systemctl stop wicd
, but once it’s shutdown, the launcher will stop responding. (Only for troubleshooting, in script it will be handled automatically)
You can restart the launcher by killall dwm-mod
After hostapd is installed, put a config here:
root@DEOT:/etc/hostapd# cat /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Once done, you should start hostapd with hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Enable Dnsmasq Support
As CPI comes with dhcpd
to support DHCP over USB, we should disable dhcpd here but I didn’t found it as a service. I handle it by rename the binary file directly.
which dhcpd
and mv
it directly.
For dnsmasq we have two config setup here:
root@DEOT:~# ll /etc/dnsmasq*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27455 Dec 10 19:04 /etc/dnsmasq.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27527 Dec 10 13:47 /etc/dnsmasq-wifi.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27455 Dec 10 15:38 /etc/dnsmasq-wire.conf
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 9 15:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 117 root root 12288 Dec 10 21:15 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 211 Sep 18 2018 README
root@DEOT:~# tail /etc/dnsmasq-*.conf
==> /etc/dnsmasq-wifi.conf <==
# If a DHCP client claims that its name is "wpad", ignore that.
# This fixes a security hole. see CERT Vulnerability VU#598349
==> /etc/dnsmasq-wire.conf <==
# Include all files in a directory which end in .conf
# If a DHCP client claims that its name is "wpad", ignore that.
# This fixes a security hole. see CERT Vulnerability VU#598349
Make sure a currently using config exist on /etc/dnsmasq.conf
Make sure dnsmasq is auto-bootup: systemctl enable dnsmasq
0x05 Troubleshooting
Update on 9th Mar
Thank you all for keep waiting, I am still working on this topic - build an All-In-One image to help most of you engage more easier. Due to the Coronavirus it somehow get postponed but I am still WORKING HARD on this!