New panel Driver from @paragonnov that seems to be working as intended in kernel 6.12.17. Flash the new image if you have problems getting the panel to start.
If you have a CM5 lite and are having problems with the sd card booting. Try this solution by @paragonnov Your CM5 lite has to have updated firmware that was released after 2025-01-06. Check using vcgencmd version to update sudo rpi-eeprom-update sudo rpi-eeprom-config -e To edit the eeprom.
backup current config, then replace with:
# Switch off PMIC outputs on HALT
# Try boot on SDCard repeatly
# Slow down SDCard SDR Mode on bootloader
Features: ClockworkPi-Kali-6.12.y
Sane charging defaults applied.
External WiFi antenna already set in config.txt.
linux-headers included with kernel.
Works with both DevTerm and uConsole.
Auto-expanding file system
On first boot system will boot expand FS then reboot.
I have added a few working/testing images and kernels with the *.deb files to install in the mega folder if you want for different OSs. I will be adding updated images with CM5 support soon. If it doesn’t have CM4 in the image name it’ll work on the CM5.
Google Drive link for the main image if Mega doesn’t work for you.
Here’s my Github with the rpi-6.12.y branch if you’d like to compile yourself. All the ClockworkPi drivers are pre-marked to compile in bcm2711_defconfig or bcm2712_defconfig. Also the APT repo with kernels and hardware scripts for ClockworkPi devices
It should, I replaced the stock kernel completely. Only after they have another release will we know for sure. you can run updates right now and it will all work.
Ah I just replied on the other thread about the XY compression and here you are doing it yourself and on GoogleDrive too haha. Thank you for your efforts!
Probably something with SD card, but it’s weired cause it’s new SanDisk card, all health checks passing normally without any errors and bad sectors. I’ll try another one first
Maybe the download corrupted, try redownloading the image. If it still does it try to download from the other link and let me know so I can reupload the corrupted one.
With noname SD card it’s working fine)
Thank you for help!
But currently I have another problem when I trying to apt upgrade constantly losing wifi connection. Trying to understand why now
short update: looks like changing setting managed to true in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf helps me