Any idea when the gameshell will be back in stock within the US?

anyone have any idea? looking to get one… but haven’t ran across any on the official website or ebay.

Will probably be a while before the next official batch is ready. If you’re keen to get your hands on one your best bet is to keep your eyes peeled on the forums, as a few have been sold on here already.

I was wondering the same thing. I hope they make more soon.

Via email to clockworkpi, sounds like they plan to go retail in 2 months (Early December)?

We can keep you posted when our next upgraded release is available for pre-order in about 2 months time, if you are still interested.
-Yong (Sep 19th)

The interesting thing in the email was the verbiage of “our next upgraded release”. Not sure if rev2 or a language/translation mishap.

Perhaps they’ll implement the planned HDMI port!