I made this custom keymapping which might be usefull to anyone struggling with default configuration [Like 1/2 the buttons throw up a PVR error… this fixes that, among other things].
After you have Kodi installed and working, ssh into your gameshell and at the commandline type:
nano ~/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/keyboard.xml
copy and paste everything bellow these instructions into the nano window, and then press CTRL+x and answer “yes” to save. Then restart your GUI and launch Kodi.
It should’nt be too difficult to look at how I’ve mapped the keys bellow and adjust the .xml file to suit your preferences. As-is none of the keys I’ve mapped throw up the PVR error. And should be intuitive enough to navigate folder structures and play video files.
[copy/paste everything bellow this line]
<!-- my numpad divide shows up as "forwardslash" -->
<!-- + and - handle the volume by default -->
<!-- BackSpace is "back" by default -->
<!-- Enter is "select" by default -->
<joystick name="PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller (00:1B:FB:F6:E0:F2)">
<button id="15">Select</button>
works great! now here’s a music recommendation for anyone who doesn’t have that much music on their gameshell: the whole album of “A Message for Marta”, it just feels right to have a good and kinda bizarre album on a interesting little device like the gameshell