Brand new for sale


So, I got impatient for mine to arrive. I bought a slightly used uconsole from a fellow forum member, it’s been great! Mine from clockwork pi arrived today. I didn’t even open the box yet.

I doubt that I’ll be able to put two devices to use, so I’d like to sell my new one in order to invest in sdr and LORA equipment. I bought a cm4 kit without core in matte silver(WiFi only). I’d be willing to sell it for what I have into it including $10 for shipping (in the USA )to you. So, that’d be $159 total. I do have a cm4 lite (4gb) that I would include for another $10.

If you are interested at all send me a message.

I have had a message that indicates the intent to buy. If this changes I’ll let you all know.

Sold! (Twenty characters)