Can we 3D print our own housings?

Is this truly an open hardware design? Where can I find the CAD files for the plastic housing??

Thanks in advance!

I asked recently, they are working on the files to be shared into the Github channel.

On November 6, I got a response:

ā€œOur R&D will upload the STL files in a few days.ā€

It should be coming soon.


Thatā€™s amazing, thank you!

Iā€™ll stick to the stock shell, but it will be awesome to have the option to 3D print the shell in a different color or to make modified shells for unique looking cyberdecks.

I mostly want an alternative shell to make swapping modules/batteries easier. Using a cheap cm4 heatsink should make it more than cool enough without the aluminum backplate.

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Not aluminum anymore, it is a casting Magnesium case now.


Maybe Iā€™m just not looking in the right places but were the STLs ever uploaded? Thanks.

I think you can get them from the store. It says there is a cost but if you use the promo code on the item page it discounts them to free.

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Many thanksā€¦went through the wiki, forum, and was about to go to Discord but never would have thought to look in the storeā€¦many thanks again!